yourdesire's Avatar
I used to come to OP KS. A few times a month & stayed busy. Now I find myself sitting here thinking about what work field I should go back into. What a sad moment to think it could actually be ending before I really got started. I would really enjoy some company these next couple days.
I love your look and would love to see you but you require a little too much RW info for screening. I’m just not comfortable with real name and where I work. I think you are a doll though and would love to see you.
I love your look and would love to see you but you require a little too much RW info for screening. I’m just not comfortable with real name and where I work. I think you are a doll though and would love to see you.
Same here Jeff
RockThomas's Avatar
I understand guys. But She is worth the risk.
Very discreet! My two cents!
Nothing is worth the risk. Stay Safe
JackJohnson's Avatar
Nothing is worth the risk. Stay Safe Originally Posted by aerospace


This is the Wichita forum, perhaps this question would be best asked in the Kansas City forum? OP, KS is Overland Park I assume? Just making sure I didn't miss something.

Just as a sidenote, I never book providers who contact and say, "I need money" or try to solicit business not based on my wants or needs, but because they need business. Just not motivating.

Good luck.

This is the Wichita forum, perhaps this question would be best asked in the Kansas City forum? OP, KS is Overland Park I assume? Just making sure I didn't miss something.

Just as a sidenote, I never book providers who contact and say, "I need money" or try to solicit business not based on my wants or needs, but because they need business. Just not motivating.

Good luck. Originally Posted by JackJohnson

yourdesire's Avatar
I appreciate the input from all of you & welcome/invite others. Rock thank you for the reference. To bad I wasn't your Bday gift this year 🤣 maybe next. Jack and the rest of you if you're not shaking your heads & saying gee what a bright bulb to post about op in Wichita , you should be 😀 obviously I didn't think that one out to well (oops) As for screening there are several ways this can be accomplished. Place of employment I do not ask for as this would make me nervous if I were asked. I most definitely screen but have several methods of doing so.As for soliciting out of need I've only been doing this for a year I will not solicit out of need, more out of enjoying what I do and because I don't really advertise I'm low key enough I can take a more personal approach when letting people know I'll be in there area. JJ I think if the tables were turned I wouldn't want to meet someone because they're searching for a pay out either. Please keep the input coming this is how I will become even better. Everyone have a happy non denominational holiday😘PS. I realize I'm still in Wichita but the thread is started & you all are giving helpful comments. For that matter I welcome any tips you may have that will make time w/ me go from outstanding to EXTREMLY outstanding xoxo
This is the market. These are some of the men in the market. Take a good, long "look" at those that don't want to be screened. And start adding to your DNS list now. Because not all money is good money. If a guy won't allow himself to be screened, then I don't trust him. Hell, I don't even trust him after he's been screened. That takes time and investing in a relationship.

As for the guy who said he never sees providers who need money. Really? You think providers see you because you're James Bond, Man of Mystery? Try NOT leaving a donation one time, and see how far that gets you, dude. Yeah, the ladies are just lining up to see you. Just because you're awesome.

Do what you need to do to take care of you. And don't worry over the future. It takes care of itself, whether you worry or not. "Worry is worshiping the problem."

Love you, sweetie.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Gosh, I'd be so nervous that I could not provide a nice time if I were visiting folks that I did not screen (especially in Kansas). Yikes! LE has been known to be fairly aggressive there. Likewise, I'd be super nervous going to see someone that did not screen. Yikes! What if I walked in to someone that was not a provider. Kansas likes to put these sort of things in the newspaper and on the news. No thank you.

There are ways to screen without giving your life history. I understand the reluctance not to want to give a bunch of info, but none is just not reasonable for a provider. It seems like the guys that visit a non-screening provider are often disappointed by the looks of the encounters.

To each their own, and try to have safe fun.
There are ways to be screened that work for all parties. If some gentlemen don't want to cooperate that's their loss. As for all the ladies safety first, that is priority 1.

Personally, I was out of circulation for a while and had no references. I was still able to be screened and meet with a couple of ladies in Oct.
A wise provider once wrote,. “Know who you fuck, and fuck who you know”.
I for one stay away from ladies who do not screen. My very first encounter (not reviewed here) was that way and it was the worst experience of my life, and made me gun shy to try again for a long time. I’ve seen a couple ladies since that did very little screening and those encounters were okay. I’m learning the ones that screen me very well (and pass my screening/research on them) are always the best encounters.
I know everyone is in this hobby for different reasons,.. mine is more about having an incredible encounter then just having a hole to stick my member in to. If it means I trust a person enough to give them some RW info, and the payoff is a memory neither of us will ever forget, that is a small price to pay.
But what do I know, I’m a newb
If a companion is not screening you, she's not screening the LE who are contacting her either. So it's not a matter of if, but when, she'll be popped.

So you either be screened by a legit companion who's trying to be safe, or you can show up for visit #2 to the companion who did not screen you, who has now relinquished control of her website and phone to LE, and provide your life history to Barney 50.

You choose. Make a wise choice.