Ohh the things I could do w/ this...
Think I found a replacement for my bed...lol

Ohh the things I could do w/ this...
Think I found a replacement for my bed...lol
Originally Posted by AutumnSpring
Texas Starr....OH yes, I would love for you to lay me back any day sexy lady. You are welcome to come and try it out at anytime you wish.
Will you allow me to lay you back?.. hehe...
I would love one w/ the zebra print!!
I do see any issues w/ back pain for mehehe... Being a little (36F's) top heavy any & all back support is always appreciated
Originally Posted by AutumnSpring
Starr's is in leopard print, if memory serves me correctly...Nope, it's not leopard print. Although I would love it in that print. And yes it's very comfortable to use. IN fact I was bent over the higher end of it the other day. It works well for Island travels. hehehe
And yes it is very comfy and provides for a unique experience (so I have heard). Originally Posted by KohanaKoa