Encounter: The lights turned Green @ Greenlight

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Date: Late June
Name: Green
Phone: After Screening
Email Address: greenlightscreening@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.green-light1.net
City: Dallas Area
State: Texas
Address: 123 Nice Place
Activities: Details in ROS
Hair Length and Color: Long black hair almost to waist
Age: 30ish
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: I think Green is a stunning beauty, with a very pretty face. She's about 5 feet even with a body that fits her size perfectly. toned legs and arms, plump booty, pretty eyes, and a gorgeous smile.
Recommendation: Yes
Green is definitely a good time.
Website says she's 4'8", I'd tend to agree. But you're right she's a good time. I need to do a review
BoneHome777's Avatar
She had on some high heels but I still would say 5'0"ish. Saw her again recently and encounter was even better.
Seems like Green has been around for a while this year. Did she ever go by a different name or it's her first time in Dallas

Green is definitely a good time. Originally Posted by HoustonHobbiest
Excellent thread bump. The promoters have been gone for a while, but I feel like their return with the is imminent. Commence the bumping of dormant threads!!
Can anyone explain the "excellent thread bump" comment?
BoneHome777's Avatar
Can anyone explain the "excellent thread bump" comment?
Originally Posted by dallaswill
DWill - Chalk this up to "YMMV". Seen Green again and the experience was much better with a repeat of standing/walking bang, and DATO among other firsts for me. Easily one of best session I have had, and I repeat it's hard to believe the GOAT is that much better.
I was asking about the "excellent thread bump" comment. Some years ago I was admonished and punished by a Mod for a thread bump. I was told it was commenting on an old thread. Here it is applied to a thread that is days old. The rules seem to be flexible and applied unevenly or am I missing something here?
Dallas - Promoters supposedly tend to use one line blurbs to bump their Spa/agency's posts to the front page. I guess they're calling for a more substantial comment. Your comment wasn't bad per se but promoters will do one of those for several of their posts.