livn2do's Avatar
What's coming in early 2016 gentlemen is going to blow your minds...among other things.

Keep your eyes on provider ads.

Wait for it...
Really?!? I can't wait!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohooooo me either...let's get the party started baby!!!
Aaahhh that post was as satisfying as waking up before the best part of a wet dream livn! :P
(And i do know what that's like, squirters have wet dreams fyi heehee!)
livn2do's Avatar
Anticipation can be quite sexy iris
timster's Avatar
Anticipation ... is making me wait... but I think I know what's coming and I can't wait!!!!
  • Honk
  • 12-30-2015, 07:02 PM
What's coming in early 2016 gentlemen is going to blow your minds...among other things.

Keep your eyes on provider ads.

Wait for it... Originally Posted by livn2do
Tell us more white knight!! Secrets are never fun.
livn2do's Avatar
Everyone has secrets Honk. Mine are just better then yours.
Hmmmm....... can't wait for new beginnings....(and happy endings)....!!!!!!! Oh Gail...... YUMM...
DallasRain's Avatar
yep Gail & Livin both are so yummmy....and TOGETHER,WOW!!!!
Sir, it's 2016. Spill it.
x"CY"ting's Avatar
I'm waiting on bated breath. Please let us know ;-)
livn2do's Avatar
Gail, don't be afraid to make a trip east sometime!
DallasRain's Avatar
Gail,I will be that way when weather gets better!!!!!!!!