To our mods!!

I just like to say that I know I have bitched at you guys on numerous occasions and have been a little ass hat to you guys many of times but touring so many cities and different states I would like to thank you guys for being the only mods that I know that have been consistent on the rules and guidelines who do not put up with disrespect and do not care who the person is online they do not put up with their bullshit

You guys are the only stability this whole fucking site has and I just wanted to say I appreciate that and take back calling you guys butt heads, and assholes...
Wait, that last part I always used to say in my head lol shit.... JP lol. Thank You!!!!
ok, that cracked me up.

Good on you, Shayla
DallasRain's Avatar
The mods here in Iowa & KC Rock!
Sometimes stability is needed and don't know it until there is none
On behalf of my colleagues, cryptkicker, JCM800 and noleftturn, thank you for the kind words.