Not sure how to handle something please help.

Hi all, I have used the site for some time but never posted and I don’t get to do this much so I apologize if I say something I should not but with that said I am going to try and be as discreet as I can.
I had scheduled time with a provider but when I got to her she was not feeling well, she explained she would make it up to me but we had to cut the visit short that was a week ago. She asked that I leave the whole donation witch I was fine with as I had seen her once before and honestly believe she is sick.
I have texted several times but the last time I have had any contact was Monday. At this point I think she must be in the hospital or something. I know the last thing a lady wants is to deal with business when you are sick but with no contact I am left in the dark and not sure what to do.
Should I keep texting every day? I have bad anxiety and don’t deal well with unknowns but I don’t want to piss her off by texting too much. If this was just a visit that had to be canceled I would not be so concerned I would have dropped it and if I ever seen her online ask or wait for a text back but with the visit unfinished and me leaving the donation it is causing my anxiety to make me very distracted because like I said unknowns. My instinct is to just keep texting but with no response I no longer feel like this may be the best action.
Anyone have any advice?
Time to move on, never stress over something don't control. Once you left the transaction should be consider done. She could say she is sick, you leave and an hour later she posts a new ad, does not matter because you have moved on. This is something that will happen some times, I have had this with a regular or two over the years and non-regulars. If the provider truly values you as a customer they will make it right on a future visit. I never leave with any expectations so when I do see the lady again and she does something extra for me it is greatly appreciated. I have also had a provider return part of a donation because she was not feeling well but I did not ask for it back.

I would not continually contact this person. Maybe try and set something up in the future and just remind her of the last visit but do not have any expectations. The better providers will always take care of you because their reputation is the most important thing they have. Stick with the ladies that participant on one of the boards or verification sites if they only uses BP I would have zero expectations.
normalguy21's Avatar
Just like max said. But I will add

Look at it like it cost 0 .

Educational and a life experience .

Maybe get more involved in board discussions.
Just FYI y'all this is about me, lol. He did come all the way to see me, i woke up very late after dealing with a sick kid all night and woke up sick my self, by time I had woken up he had texted me and was already on his way I knew I wasn't feeling well but I thought that I could get through it and all would be good . I don't know if any of you have ever woken up set but you tend to get sicker as the day goes on my throat was really bad and I was starting to cough and I just did not feel comfortable being in his face and knowing that I could possibly get him sick especially since my kids and all were sick with the flu. When he came I let him know right away that I was not feeling the best but I would at least try to stick it out for an hour as I felt horrible that he had driven all that way to see me I didn't want him to have to turn around empty handed Lol he said ok he understood he asked me if I wanted him to leave the donation I told him that would be fine that I would love that and that as soon as I got feeling good I would be in Des Moines and I would repay him back with extra time added for the hassle. I told him that to pay him back I would give him an extra hour on top of what we had already planned. So that's the story, as people who contacted me know I was very ill for about 2 weeks, in hospital for three days, as I have long standing lung issues that can get dangerously problematic when I get any type of chest cold. Some people I responded too on good days, some days that were not so good I did not respond to anyone, or answer phone, or check emails or check pms or answer even my mother's calls lol because well it was just not at the top of my priority list at the time.
With enough steroids to turn a worm in to an anaconda, antibiotics and many other things I'm getting back into the saddle!!
I had allot of messages missed and have tried to get back to most so I wanted to post some of this anyways to let people know I haven't just disappeared into the abyss Lol

To the gent, we've already talked and I will see you soon
I would never just take off with someone's money that they graciously trusted me to keep with out full services, I'm just not that type of person and appreciate all that's done for me, hopefully some people will vouch for me for that.
Any ways, I'm happy to be well again, excited about getting back on the road and hope all are well!!!
The best news out of all of this is that you are feeling better and that you are making a trip to Des Moines! �� I am anxiously a waiting for your hour long worship session! Let me know when you come over and I will be the first in line! Lol
Well I've just put up an ad sweetie, take a look and let me know
Shayla is a professional and all about customer service. She does go totally dark when things aren't going well, but I know that's just how she is, and just wait till I hear from her.
Just FYI y'all this is about me, lol. He did come all the way to see me, i woke up very late after dealing with a sick kid all night and woke up sick my self, by time I had woken up he had texted me and was already on his way I knew I wasn't feeling well but I thought that I could get through it and all would be good . I don't know if any of you have ever woken up set but you tend to get sicker as the day goes on my throat was really bad and I was starting to cough and I just did not feel comfortable being in his face and knowing that I could possibly get him sick especially since my kids and all were sick with the flu. When he came I let him know right away that I was not feeling the best but I would at least try to stick it out for an hour as I felt horrible that he had driven all that way to see me I didn't want him to have to turn around empty handed Lol he said ok he understood he asked me if I wanted him to leave the donation I told him that would be fine that I would love that and that as soon as I got feeling good I would be in Des Moines and I would repay him back with extra time added for the hassle. I told him that to pay him back I would give him an extra hour on top of what we had already planned. So that's the story, as people who contacted me know I was very ill for about 2 weeks, in hospital for three days, as I have long standing lung issues that can get dangerously problematic when I get any type of chest cold. Some people I responded too on good days, some days that were not so good I did not respond to anyone, or answer phone, or check emails or check pms or answer even my mother's calls lol because well it was just not at the top of my priority list at the time.
With enough steroids to turn a worm in to an anaconda, antibiotics and many other things I'm getting back into the saddle!!
I had allot of messages missed and have tried to get back to most so I wanted to post some of this anyways to let people know I haven't just disappeared into the abyss Lol

To the gent, we've already talked and I will see you soon
I would never just take off with someone's money that they graciously trusted me to keep with out full services, I'm just not that type of person and appreciate all that's done for me, hopefully some people will vouch for me for that.
Any ways, I'm happy to be well again, excited about getting back on the road and hope all are well!!! Originally Posted by shayla84
Shayla is just kick ass good!!! Hope you are feeling completely recovered!
finman56's Avatar
I saw Shayla on black friday (day after thanksgving)for an extended appt, but due to unforeseen circumstances she was late and very distracted. While I had a good time, I opted to cut our time early, because it was not what I expected. She also has promised a better session at a discounted rate, but unfortunately I have not been able to find a time to make the hour to drive to CR schedule time with her.
One day I hope to experience Shayla when she is totally focused on me. She is definitely a sweetheart but life happens to all us and sometimes we catch people at a bad time.
Shayla, I know you are a doll, hopefully one day we can try again.
Pretty upstanding on Shayla's part. I know I have to see her just haven't found the time.
@finman you did cut it like 30 mins short but not by much cause we even ordered in Chinese food. It was the day after thank giving and at that time I believe there was a lot going on and some thing was wrong with a family member, and we'll I also believe I had been with my mom the night before ( she's handicapped and she wanted to shop on black Friday and I had to go with her).

Please guys understand some of us girls have kids, and family's, when there's no school or kids are sick or what have you we have to find some one to take our kids so we can visit. So being late when it's holidays or you want a visit while schools out I need to time get my kids where they need to be, my go to family 95% of time and I have to depend on them and also work with there timing.

For some of the guys who text me constantly and get mad when I don't text back and all or want immediate visits and get mad cause I can't drop everything ( in cr) and cater to you, I not only have kids I have a family. And they will always come first, I'm not gonna drop everything and conversate with you, it's just not going to happen.

Thank you for all the kind words, not trying to be an ass but it needs to be said, if your looking for a provider that will text with you all the time and all I'm not the girl to do it with, I not only take care of kids, I have family I help with and I have two house holds that I'm trying to take care of and be miss mom do things with my kids.

Have a great day y'all
finman56's Avatar
@finman you did cut it like 30 mins short but not by much cause we even ordered in Chinese food. It was the day after thank giving and at that time I believe there was a lot going on and some thing was wrong with a family member, and we'll I also believe I had been with my mom the night before ( she's handicapped and she wanted to shop on black Friday and I had to go with her).

Please guys understand some of us girls have kids, and family's, when there's no school or kids are sick or what have you we have to find some one to take our kids so we can visit. So being late when it's holidays or you want a visit while schools out I need to time get my kids where they need to be, my go to family 95% of time and I have to depend on them and also work with there timing.

For some of the guys who text me constantly and get mad when I don't text back and all or want immediate visits and get mad cause I can't drop everything ( in cr) and cater to you, I not only have kids I have a family. And they will always come first, I'm not gonna drop everything and conversate with you, it's just not going to happen.

Thank you for all the kind words, not trying to be an ass but it needs to be said, if your looking for a provider that will text with you all the time and all I'm not the girl to do it with, I not only take care of kids, I have family I help with and I have two house holds that I'm trying to take care of and be miss mom do things with my kids.

Have a great day y'all Originally Posted by shayla84
Shayla, I was not trying to be disrespectful. I knew after talking to you that day before the appt that it would probably be a inconvenient time to see each other. It was poor planning on my part. But I had driven over an hour and this was our third attempt at trying seeing each other dating back to mid September. In hindsight it would have probably been best for the both of us to reschedule again, but I have no regrets. If you would still see me and our schedules allow I would see you again. I totally understand about family commitments. Contrary to popular belief at work, I am not a total Ahole.
Sweetie I didn't take it as disrespect, I just like to make things clear to people, I don't want my name ruined as I try my hardest to please people the best I can. And I am always up for seeing you, would love too