Need an auto body

Nitwitboy's Avatar
Anybody own or work at one. Just want to find someone honest. Some knucklehead stole my car and bumped into a few things with it. Here is where it gets bad, I did not have insurance as I did not use the car. I have a company car. What a nightmare.
Someone Honest??? wrong place. lol
LazurusLong's Avatar

You should have had comp only on the car. That would cover this and is much cheaper than liability. You can't renew plates with just comp but it is cheap and would cover things like a tree falling on it.

I'd look for some small shop and be honest about the cash only and see what they can do.

Is it a fender and how old is the auto?

I replaced an entire door (exact same color) on an E30 a few years ago that had been side swiped for less than $20 by pulling a replacement door myself at Pick-N-Pull in Dallas. They had a half price weekend and there were about 4 bolts plus wiring and a spring clip that held the door on. I then switched door panels and it was done.
rcg001's Avatar
Dealers are expensive, but usually do decent work. An insurance company that I had used Earls Auto Body. They did a good job, and they have several locations around town. Other then that, make sure that the shops are part of the Better Business Bureau, in good current standing, and have no complaints against them.
Best of luck.
There is a place called Jims auto care in Garland off of Northwest Hwy and Centerville. Hes been around long time. I'll text you the number.
You have to have liability by law, Comprehensive is not required and is the more expensive one and would be needed to have insurance cover this. I coul dbe wrong but I have never seen Comp offered by itself as it optional


You should have had comp only on the car. That would cover this and is much cheaper than liability. You can't renew plates with just comp but it is cheap and would cover things like a tree falling on it.

I'd look for some small shop and be honest about the cash only and see what they can do.

Is it a fender and how old is the auto?

I replaced an entire door (exact same color) on an E30 a few years ago that had been side swiped for less than $20 by pulling a replacement door myself at Pick-N-Pull in Dallas. They had a half price weekend and there were about 4 bolts plus wiring and a spring clip that held the door on. I then switched door panels and it was done. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
LazurusLong's Avatar

I hate to disagree but you only need liability to take the car on the road.

I have had comp on 3 of my cars I store but am in the process of restoring for some time now just in case the garage catches on fire or a tornado hits. VERY cheap.

If you have a car in a garage or parked for an extended time, call your agent and ask then the rate for ONLY comprehensive coverage. Some will try to get you to get "storage" but comp is better.