the az law what you think

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
I think problem is police all ready have free rein of things. their word against yours. Now when they fuck up they can say oh the law says this or i understood the law to mean that. So to me it just adds fuel to the fire. Plus we all need jobs so give some people a tent, bull horn, & a gun set 2 people every mile along the border. with order to a amingo stop or we shoot. Plus it makes mccain look bad & he's my buddy
dirty dog's Avatar
Cheaper this is another one of the subjects that can't be debated properly here because if you agree with the law and want more immigration enforcement then your going to be labeled a racist, tea party memeber etc etc etc. Then were going to have to hear how no one cared about immigration when Bush was President.... SO whats the point.......
Hey Cheaper, it will be cold in the tents along the Canadian border. If they are from Canada, do you still call them amingo (your spelling) or do you say stop eh??!!
You got it right DD, these days the R word is thrown around like it's candy.
Unfortunately, some do hide behind the law as an excuse to spew their hate. Others are sincere in trying to do the right thing. Distinguishing between the two is impossible and just a matter of opinion.
swarmyone's Avatar
I think its a great start and something that I predicted would happen more than 10 years ago. No need to go into all the details. Like all things political, you will either agree with me or think I'm a moron. I'll save us the trouble by just stating that I like the law as written and hope its only a start.

BTW - Rush had an awesome idea on his show today. His suggestion was for the Governor of Arizona to make a map and provide one-way tickets to San Francisco for all the illegal aliens. Then let those bleeding heart libs deal with the problem of a massive influx of people who have no respect for our laws.
I see the law as a response to failed federal policy. We need a 'tall fence and wide gate'...meaning it should be relatively easy to immigrate to this country or get a work permit. This way, honest Mexicans looking for work can go through the gate....and anybody sneaking over the fence would surely be up to no good. But lacking that policy, the good Mexicans are mixed in with the bad, and Arizona has a right and a responsibility to protect its people.
Philhelm's Avatar
The national government has failed to execute one of its few, legitimate powers. Arizona has decided to act instead. It's an Arizona matter. If the law is in violation of the Constitution, then the Supreme Court will decide that. Either way, it doesn't matter, since there will be amnesty, along with a national ID card. Mark my words.
I am all for LEGAL immigrants to take advantage of all the benefits this country offers. What I am against is ILLEGAL immigrants from any country (or planet, if you believe Stephen Hawking) - and I would support the effort by any state to enforce federal law - when the feds (Dems and GOP alike) are too afraid of upsetting their minority constituacies. There should NOT be amnesty - if you're here illegally, even if you have children born here, you should be deported back to your country of origin and apply for residency - with priority given to those who have children born in the U.S.
Gryphon's Avatar
The nut of the problem isn't U.S. policy, enforcement, or the lack thereof, although I agree that the current policy is outdated and not properly enforced because politicians on both sides are terrified of their fringe constituencies. The real problem is that Mexico is basically a failed state. It has incredible natural resources and a population that is generally willing to work much harder for much less compensation than Americans. But government corruption, drug cartels, an ongoing small war in the northern states, and an economy that has been in the tank for decades drives the more enterprising or desperate Mexicans north--Green card or no Green card. Until Mexico gets its act together the U.S. is going to have an immigration problem regardless of what our government does. Which gives me an idea for another thread...
dirty dog's Avatar
The government needs to tell the mexican government no more drinking from the tit, no more finanical aid and no more trade until they do something about illegal immigration from their side of the border.
Omahan's Avatar
I was going to vacation in San Francisco but changed my plans to go to Phoenix instead. I wonder if more people will join in San Francisco's boycott of AZ or will support AZ like I am. I think if you want to go to AZ you better get your reservations in early.
I have two suggestions:

(1) make Mexico our 51st state. We get their oil, their citizens get social security numbers and we get tax revenue.


(2) allow any and all immigrants and allow them to take whatever jobs they want. They get paid the prevailing minimum wage of the country from where they came.

In the meantime, let's send all illegal immigtants to San Francisco and let Nancy Pelosi take care of them.
dirty dog's Avatar
I hope Az gets much support, it just baffles me how something that has to do with legal and illegal activity can be called racism but I guess thats the reality of living in america in 2010. If a million Irish were crossing the border illegally I would feel the same way.
dirty dog's Avatar
Scorpio, maybe we could trade San Francisco for Mexico
Gryphon's Avatar
Scorpio, maybe we could trade San Francisco for Mexico Originally Posted by dirty dog
Just keep the Golden Gate Bridge! Maybe you could throw in Oakland as compensation.
Scorpio, maybe we could trade San Francisco for Mexico Originally Posted by dirty dog
That is an interesting idea. Do you suppose Mexico would think that is a fair deal?