Websites for providers... why so goofy?

I've not been a part of this community or this hobby for long, but one thing seems to be blaringly obvious; 85% of the websites for providers are pretty bad.

Obiously, this is absolutely no reflection on the quality of the provider or their worth, but being that web development is my day job, it's something I notice immediately.

Are the providers using a free service for this, or is it just that someone/some company has cornered the market on making our girls pay for bad marketing.

At the end of the day, it's about the provider's reputation, not her marketing package, but I'd like to know everyone's thoughts.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I've not been a part of this community or this hobby for long, but one thing seems to be blaringly obvious; 85% of the websites for providers are pretty bad. Originally Posted by sonitus
If that's accurate, then providers are doing much better than average, IME.

Website design in general tends to follow Sturgeon's Law ("90% of everything is shit").


most of the sites are a point and click template that you can have a website up and running within minutes. Since some of the ladies are not html proficient they have to go with what is offered to them from the sites that will host the sites.

also most providers do not see having a website of their own would benefit them. Most that would be in line for a website are already advertising (paying) on most of the sites they believe will benefit them more.
Yep... what Lilith said

Also I've always wondered who to use as a hosting service
April there is a website hosting service listed in the business is the one that my new site is hosted on. I would be happy to help you out ifn ya need it.
Can you post a link to the ad?

How much control over the site do you have? Do you have the ability to go in and edit it yourself?
gimme_that's Avatar
I guess I kinda prefer the older looking websites of the "rare.escorts" look better. You could easily access them from the most basic of web based cell phones without having to worry about a flash or registering as a member of a site to view the most basic of info.

But thats just my opinion. I'm not so concerned about the way the website looks, but I'm definitely concerned with the info provided from it to included helpful links she may not discuss on her main website like services and reviews, but at least other sources that do.
I am working on an html site as well for my friends that need the ease of look, email and go ;-) very good point gimme

I designed my site have complete control of how you want it to look...

there is also a template that you can have a website with basic info up with in an hour...fill in the blank kind of thing that isn't too "out of the box" look you can choose the background and layout...check it out.

I normally get all my hosting and domain names straight from go...daddy however signing up with this site is it less expensive and you know your site is safe ;-)

let me know if you need any help smooches
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I guess I kinda prefer the older looking websites of the "rare.escorts" look better. You could easily access them from the most basic of web based cell phones without having to worry about a flash or registering as a member of a site to view the most basic of info. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I don't care much for the family of website templates much (let's not get into a flamewar; I'll eagerly concede that's a matter of personal taste, myself), but you do raise an excellent point. With the ubiquity of smartphones (I just got one about a month ago... when I get a smartphone, it's going to be something like next week and your technology-phobic old Aunty Ida will have one too), a lot of traffic to your site is probably going to be on mobile devices. Designing a site to look good on a mobile device is a much different kettle of fish.

I suspect that the and hosts will be providing for mobile friendly website design too (or even better? A parallel site arrangement of both full-featured and mobile-friendly sites so that, if your host detects a hit from a mobile device it'll redirect automatically to a mobile-friendly site. Other sites can do this--Wikipedia does, I just checked--so it is certainly possible).


bluffcityguy's Avatar
I am working on an html site as well for my friends that need the ease of look, email and go ;-) very good point gimme

I designed my site have complete control of how you want it to look... Originally Posted by Lilith
Very well done, I think. You have talents in many areas, it appears.


smile...thank you BCG...

I taught myself how to write .html a long time ago (over 13 years...yikes) by reading the source pages of websites that had really neat stuff (java at the time) learned a little bit about perl and the like

I have always seen the flash websites and marveled ...I had a little while to learn the program and that is what I came up with....

really cool stuff ;-)
any ideas or comments would be nice to hear ;-)
elcid180's Avatar
I like the way it looks and as always you always impress me
That's exactly how I taught myself HTML! Reading source code in combo with HTML for Dummies!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
That's exactly how I taught myself HTML! Reading source code in combo with HTML for Dummies! Originally Posted by April Showers
However, you've not done enough HTML markup until you wake up and realize you've been marking up webpages in your dreams.

Talk about nightmares: when I was doing a COBOL programming class while working on my master's (literally the last master's class to do COBOL; the next year the curriculum required exposure to object-oriented programming using either Visual Basic (well, as object-oriented as you could get in VB, which wasn't much) or C++* (for the true geeks)), I woke from a deep sleep with the realization I'd been coding COBOL in my sleep.

I think they now have drugs to treat that.



* I took one semester of C++ back then, just to prove I could (and some 80X86 assembler just because every geek has to say he's worked in assembly language). It's like stirring concrete with your eyelashes. I probably should be grateful I didn't wind up trying to code C++ or assembly in my sleep; I'd probably have lapsed into a coma and still be lying on some bed on life support....
However, you've not done enough HTML markup until you wake up and realize you've been marking up webpages in your dreams. Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
I had a dream once where my php project was scrambled into COBOL after the user ran the first query. He just said,"Well, I guess we can port it." Too bad real world clients aren't that understanding.

I probably should be grateful I didn't wind up trying to code C++ or assembly in my sleep;
C'mon man... C++, like beautiful women, make the world go round.