What are "Referrals" in member stats?

My stats show I have 2 referrals. I've searched for information about this stat. But, all I can find is speculation from other members that it is the number of people a member has invited to join. However, I have not invited anyone.

I posted in the local Staff forum. But, have not received a response.

Can you clarify what is this stat? ...how a member is credited for referrals? ...what is the significance?

I wonder if it could be the number of unverified providers you might have reviewed?


Can you think of anyone that might have put your name in the referral box when registering?
I learned it is the second. Two people put my name in when registering on the site. This celebrity life is killing me. Paparazzi dogging me at the AMPs. Now, crazy fans, stalking me & saying we're besties. Next, they'll be sneaking over the wall into my compound and swimming in my pool.
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  • Mokoa
  • 07-02-2017, 11:50 PM
When a new member signs up he/she can specify the handle of the member who referred them. That results in the referral count of that specified member being incremented. As far as I know there is no other purpose for that count besides maintaining it.