The White House knew that Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the beginning and they lied about the video. You have to believe that now since CBS has ran the story.
The White House said that there were no military assets close enough to help at Benghazi....except for the 6th Fleet, the commandos at Sardinia, the troops training in Albania, the CIA people in Tripoli, and our good friends the Israelis.
Obama didn't know that the NSA was eavesdropping on the president of Germany and 32 other countries.
Michelle Obama didn't know that her radical college chum was a senior member of a company that got a no-bid contract to put together the Obamacare website.
Obama did know that millions of people would probably lose their health insurance due to Obamacare.
Benghazi has gone mainstream, SNL is making fun of Sibelius, and democrats are saying that the GOP has hacked the Obamacare site (demonstrating extreme panic)