Directions...A sort of rant...

PSW1995's Avatar
I don't understand, we have all the info we need at our finger tips. I want to make a suggestion for those who go to incall's. If there is a cross street given, do yourself a favor and goggle map that shit. Look at the neighborhood your are going to, and try to remember some main roads. Or put it in your phone under maps. Good grief. I always tell people to call just before the intersection. And you would know it cause you googled it.

I have my reasons for why I want you to park in certain places. When getting final instructions and I say do not knock on my door, I mean that! Don't knock. The less noise I make the less I will be noticed. (This has happened a few times so I need to mention it).

Know how much you are to bring, I will not discuss my rates. Ever. I have them posted. We have a language and code, so please be up to speed. It is not just keeping me safe, but keep yourself safe.

Be on time, if I don't hear from you, cancel, if you are coming from the North know how long it is going to take. Don't make a 3:00 appointment and get there at 3:45. I will only give a 15 minuet late window. I don't do a lot of pre booking so this is how it goes. :-)

Well happy hunting and everyone be safe...
Just needed to get this out there... Thanks!

I have my reasons for why I want you to park in certain places. Originally Posted by PSW1995
And what would those reasons be?
nicely put!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell a guy where to park , and he will not do it . Or perhaps you haven't heard of a pimp named Marco that does that to take down your license plate , get your RW info to use against you at a future time !!!!!!
PSW1995's Avatar
Rockerrick, what are you talking about?? There are no pimps here, please don't high jack my thread with rubbish.
It's the reason guys won't park where you tell them . Too bad you don't know it ! Most people on here ARE aware of what I said , quit getting butt hurt and listen to the advice , it's why you are having this problem .
Lets keep it civil. But Rockerrick is right, being told that you want us to park in a certain place raises big red flags. So, I'll ask again, what are your reasons?
Here Betty , read this , and then search all things Risqué Black Book or Mint , and Marco. ght=rbb
Still Looking's Avatar
I totally agree with you! When I give directions I expect them followed. Like when I say keep your legs over my shoulders. Does she thinck I'm kidding? I wanted deck chair not MISH. OK, the one time was OK, she had to fart! That was understandable!

PSW1995's Avatar
wow, there is no need to think I am butt hurt, slow your roll buddy. My reasoning for telling you where to park is for easy access to my door. Also I dont use the same spot all day and it plays in part to the directions to my door. So I will check out this paranoia about some pimp but I can aussure you that doesn't happen where I am. It goes to show that you rockerrick dont know anything about how I work. So chill out... and really I am telling you this as the nice thing to do, but at the end of the day it isnt your business, until you decide to do buisness with me.

Also I was just saying because, it is true people do not pay the fuck attention. That is all. Everyone have a nice Night. :-)
Still Looking's Avatar
wow, there is no need to think I am butt hurt, slow your roll buddy. My reasoning for telling you where to park is for easy access to my door. Also I dont use the same spot all day and it plays in part to the directions to my door. So I will check out this paranoia about some pimp but I can aussure you that doesn't happen where I am. It goes to show that you rockerrick dont know anything about how I work. So chill out... and really I am telling you this as the nice thing to do, but at the end of the day it isnt your business, until you decide to do buisness with me.

Also I was just saying because, it is true people do not pay the fuck attention. That is all. Everyone have a nice Night. :-) Originally Posted by PSW1995
Being nice is good!
You really are fucked up , I never said it was how YOU operated !!!!!!!! Once again for the really slow , it is the reason guys will not do what you want them to . This happened before you joined , and everone but YOU KNOWS ABOUT IT . Go ahead and rant all you want , I'm sure it will bring you lots of business , and I'm sure guys will forget all about it , and do exactly as you tell them ! NOT !!!!!!! Good Fucking Luck !!!!!!!!!! You've had 3 responders / me telling you about it , Fratelli confirming it , and Still Looking the guy that found all this BULLSHIT out !!!!! Paranoia my ass , where is RBB , Mint , and Marco ? Hmmm keep on truckin girlie !
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Rockerrick is wise. Listen to what he says. He has never steered me wrong. What he tells is the truth. If you tell a guy to park in spot A, he will park as far away as possible from spot A. Its just how this business works in Austin.
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm NOT parking my Lime Green Cadillac just anywhere!