Trump and his minions

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  • WTF
  • 06-11-2017, 09:18 AM
Bitch about Clinton meeting with Lynch , yet have no trouble with Trump trying to influnce the Flynn thing.


Comey had trouble with both!

Yet you partisan hacks are trying to discredit Comey.

Yet you partisan hacks are trying to discredit Comey. Originally Posted by WTF

Do or do not. There is no try.
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  • WTF
  • 06-11-2017, 09:47 AM
Do or do not. There is no try. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Who do you think has a higher believability Trump or Comey?

Trump is a natural born liar.

Snakeoil salesman.

I'm actually embarrassed for folks that voted for that nutjob.
Who do you think has a higher believability Trump or Comey?

Trump is a natural born liar.

Snakeoil salesman.

I'm actually embarrassed for folks that voted for that nutjob. Originally Posted by WTF
Your embarrassment can't be any great that for those of us who detest the Clinton Family Crime Machine and Liars Guild and shrilLIARy's weekly-growing list of reasons for her loss ! The list that doesn't have HER doing ANYTHING wrong, as usual, but blames everyone BUT her !
LexusLover's Avatar
Is someone on here pretending he's known Trump since birth?
Is someone on here pretending he's known Trump since birth? Originally Posted by LexusLover
WTF and his minion WTF
Who do you think has a higher believability Trump or Comey? Originally Posted by WTF

I'd believe Comey if he'd simply come forward and prove to the world that he indeed is not an invertebrate.

Until then, I cannot take the word of a spineless jellyfish.....just can't do it.

He should never had been appointed the Director of the Bureau. Clearly another (in a string of many) failure by the Closet Muzzie....
Bitch about Clinton meeting with Lynch , yet have no trouble with Trump trying to influnce the Flynn thing.


Comey had trouble with both!

Yet you partisan hacks are trying to discredit Comey. Originally Posted by WTF
Actually what you and everyone else is concerned with is trivia. None of these little fiascos really affect our lives one way or the other. What we really should be concerned with is our quality of life and how the government interferes with that. Why are there so many unnecessary chemicals in our food and water? Why does the medical profession keep moving the goal post on vital parameters such as High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol? Why won't Congress approve American Doctors to implement proven viable treatments for degenerative diseases such as Cancer, Lupus ect.? Instead we worry about two idiots on a tarmac or what relationship two heads of state may have had in the outcome of an election. We as Americans are not the "Apple" of the Governments eye. We are a burden and they pride themselves in giving us nothing in return for our vote and support. Nothing will change in this country until we as Americans let these clowns know the gig is up.

Actually what you and everyone else is concerned with is trivia. None of these little fiascos really affect our lives one way or the other. What we really should be concerned with is our quality of life and how the government interferes with that. Why are there so many unnecessary chemicals in our food and water? Why does the medical profession keep moving the goal post on vital parameters such as High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol? Why won't Congress approve American Doctors to implement proven viable treatments for degenerative diseases such as Cancer, Lupus ect.? Instead we worry about two idiots on a tarmac or what relationship two heads of state may have had in the outcome of an election. We as Americans are not the "Apple" of the Governments eye. We are a burden and they pride themselves in giving us nothing in return for our vote and support. Nothing will change in this country until we as Americans let these clowns know the gig is up.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
excellent point Jim
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  • WTF
  • 06-11-2017, 11:04 AM
Actually what you and everyone else is concerned with is trivia. None of these little fiascos really affect our lives one way or the other. What we really should be concerned with is our quality of life and how the government interferes with that. Why are there so many unnecessary chemicals in our food and water? Why does the medical profession keep moving the goal post on vital parameters such as High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol? Why won't Congress approve American Doctors to implement proven viable treatments for degenerative diseases such as Cancer, Lupus ect.? Instead we worry about two idiots on a tarmac or what relationship two heads of state may have had in the outcome of an election. We as Americans are not the "Apple" of the Governments eye. We are a burden and they pride themselves in giving us nothing in return for our vote and support. Nothing will change in this country until we as Americans let these clowns know the gig is up.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Agreed. ..and nothing will ever change if we have selective outrage like these Trump and Clinton loons are cursed with.

One cries about a Clinton and the plane while discounting their candidate trying to influence the Flynn investigation.

We do not apply equal standards...thus we have this type of politics.
Trump doesn't lie, only changes his position.
Agreed. ..and nothing will ever change if we have selective outrage like these Trump and Clinton loons are cursed with.

One cries about a Clinton and the plane while discounting their candidate trying to influence the Flynn investigation.

We do not apply equal standards...thus we have this type of politics. Originally Posted by WTF
That's exactly correct and that's what they want us to do. I've really had my fill of these cocksuckers.

Comey is a piece of fucking shit...

Comey Unmasked

June 11, 2017

By Clarice Feldman

If your head is swimming with the accounts of “Russian Collusion” with the Trump campaign, a cock and bull story confected by Hillary Clinton to explain her loss and to undermine the President, allow me to simplify it now that James Comey has testified and revealed with a load of bunk it is.

First of all, don’t forget that as the head of the FBI, James Comey had the power to request the appointment of a Special Counsel anytime he felt it was warranted. In fact, despite countless leaks to the press that there was evidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russia, he had informed the relevant Congressional leaders that the FBI had no such evidence after months of investigation, a concession which, unsurprisingly enough, was never, leaked. The four Democrat leaders of the Gang of 8, which oversees the operation and knew this themselves, kept promulgating the lie that there was some such evidence.

After he was fired, in an act of venomous revenge -- not atypical of the Swamp – Comey had a friend, a Columbia Law School professor, leak his version of a conversation with the president. In this version, Trump was trying to hide the collusion by cutting off an investigation.

Why did he not simply release the memo to the press in a less cowardly fashion? Because he clearly hoped it would not be traced to him, and the motive thus made clear. Moreover, he confessed that he wanted to force the appointment of a special counsel. This follows to a striking degree the path in the Plame case -- where the attorney general, John Ashcroft, recused himself, and Comey was made acting attorney general, whereupon he appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald. I trust that many readers already are familiar with the manner in which Fitzpatrick’s investigation into a leak by Cheney-hater Richard Armitage, which tied up the administration and resulted in a confected process crime against a Cheney aide, Lewis Libby. In case you want to refresh your recollection of those events, here is the article I wrote about it eleven years ago.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Does it really 'matter'?
Comey is a piece of fucking shit...

Comey Unmasked

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You're right about that. Comey acts more like a Defense Lawyer than a Law Enforcement Agent.
