Adios, bitch...

Read that article and watch the video:

I feel sorry for her family. They seem like good people.

That said, this is yet another example of the fanaticism of the convert. This woman was raised Baptist in Michigan, married a Muslim and converted to Islam, and then got divorced.

Instead of dumping Islam along with the husband, she got completely radicalized.

Note the part in the video where HER OWN FATHER reported her and her new hanky-head friends to the FBI because of some disturbing comments she made about Israel during an Easter dinner.

She got killed along with 2 other Westerners in Syria working with an Al Qaeda affiliate. Apparently, she was interested in making a difference in trouble spots around the world. I say the Syrian Army did us a favor getting rid of her.

She would have been the next Jihad Jane fighting against the US.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-31-2013, 04:36 PM
I have never understood why so many people who become fanatics at anything--religion, or otherwise--think violence AGAINST people is so much more righteous than working FOR their beliefs. God must be livid that people who say they believe in him are so willing to kill other people who believe in him, and say they are doing it in his name.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This kind of stuff happens all the time. How many times have we read about a young woman who takes vows to become a Catholic nun and the next thing you know she is out somewhere machine gunning atheists?

Of course the apologists say that Islam is a religion of where do they come up with these ideas except from the religion of peace.
This kind of stuff happens all the time. How many times have we read about a young woman who takes vows to become a Catholic nun and the next thing you know she is out somewhere machine gunning atheists?

Of course the apologists say that Islam is a religion of where do they come up with these ideas except from the religion of peace. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Seems like only yesterday that Sister Mary Margaret beheaded that rabbinical student in Brooklyn...
The dead woman was 33. Her daughter, Trina, in the video looks to be late teens, possibly even 20.

That means Jihad Jane got knocked up about 13-15 years of age. No father in sight, needless to say.

Why do the dysfunctional fuck-ups always try to turn their lives around by embracing the worst radicalism they can find?