President Obama, Pure Class

Can you amagine what this naccissistic little man is going to do when he looses this election. The more people really see of him, the less they like.

Just like with his rude, sophmoric behavior that came out in the last debate, I suspect he is going for the Jerry Springer crowd.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2012, 05:25 PM
and if he doesnt lose its not saying much about the gop is it?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, as usual you are wrong on all counts, but you're consistent.

President Obama is not a "little man" by any stretch of the imagination.

. . . He's also going to win this election. Decisively!

Decisively ???????????????

Well, as usual you are wrong on all counts, but you're consistent.

President Obama is not a "little man" by any stretch of the imagination.

. . . He's also going to win this election. Decisively!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Of course we know how smart the democrats are. They get beat twice by Bush and Reagan and they still say that they were stupid.

I've read stories about how president's elect and outgoing presidents don't get along sometimes. This time ought to be fun if Obama even shows up for the inauguration.
If anyone voted got Shrub twice they are stupid...
budman33's Avatar
did you read the rolling stone article? No, of course not...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
.from Raz

Who Won the Debates? 49% Say Romney, 41% Obama

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Romney 50%, Obama 47%

Swing State Tracking: Romney 50%, Obama 46%
joe bloe's Avatar
Well, as usual you are wrong on all counts, but you're consistent.

President Obama is not a "little man" by any stretch of the imagination.

. . . He's also going to win this election. Decisively!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Where did you put your Obama shrine? Is it in a closet or do you keep it right out in the open? Do you burn candles and incense? Do you pray to him? When he loses "decisively," will you be clinically depressed?