Why Amps over Providers

DunnJackNoff's Avatar
I still see regular providers occasionally but here are the reasons I go to amps.

#1- availability. “Sperm of the moment”. No screening, no appointments. Walk in pay fee, get what you came for -leave.
#2- service. They will do things most providers won’t. ie: TUMA
#3- value. No GPS. From the over-hyped to the brand new, the fee is pretty standard.

What I don’t like:

#1- communication can be tough
#2- usually not as attractive as all the hype suggests
#3- a lot of them are smokers so the DFK is a bit disappointing.
kaufman's Avatar
AMPS deliver without the drama of providers...how many incall non-shows have you had from providers—I’ve had too many, usually the girls sleep in or are on drugs—never had those issues with AMPS.
#4 - Privacy: No screening. No pictures. No phone numbers. No cost/backlash from cancellations or "Aw, HELL no!" reviews.
#5 - Choices: One-Stop shopping. Plenty o' gals/places to choose from.
Ghostrider's Avatar
I would say the ugliest AMP gal is still better looking than an Indy barring a few of them in the 4-1K range.

Communication? That's perfect. Do you really want to have a conversation with her as you are stuffing her stocking?

The Smokers are the Smokers...they are probably too busy smoking that pole than sticking their tounge down your throat.

Their job is to get you to blow quickly and go for round two or just Blow. Most of the time is the latter or just getting you to Blow.

From the Indies that I have seen pictures today? If you find beauty in that then you do not need to go to the AMPS.
DunnJackNoff's Avatar
From the Indies that I have seen pictures today? If you find beauty in that then you do not need to go to the AMPS. Originally Posted by Ghostrider
I’m not sure what you mean by that statement but there are some gorgeous indies. If you DON’T see their beauty-you are not looking at the right ones-or you need to have your eyes checked.

I see way more AMPs than indies because of the above mentioned reasons- not because the indies are not attractive.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Over the last 3 years I have met several Korean ladies that could hold there own with any independent in town. They do know who their friends are and who treats them right and they take care of their friends. The Korean ladies don't have the GPS and hustle that some of the independents have and appreciate gifts more.
No Screening. You can just call and get the girl you want, no questions asked. You can even show up randomly and get a decent selection. No need to coordinate and try to get stars to align. As others have mentioned, no real GPS, and I actually like that it's difficult to communicate

The downside is no pictures available before you go
Ronin3's Avatar
Apples and oranges. But I think you covered the important points. And I agree with you on indie aesthetics. I basically limit my exposure to 5 women, and primarily just one as she is closest in Dallas, and my ATF. 3 are Indie and 2 are AAMP in California. These are 2 of the 3 Indies. The other is extremely well known in Dallas.
One is less than $300 and the other is $350. Judge for yourself on attractiveness.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Elsa I totally agree. Seen her many times.
The AMPs are far less risky, despite
The fears some project in their postings. No pimps, no thieves in the bathroom

I have lost count of how many times I have been disappointed with independents using old or inaccurate pictures. Even 6 month old pics can be very deceiving. At least at the AMP you get what you see and if you don’t like it there’s 2-3 more to pick from
DunnJackNoff's Avatar
At least at the AMP you get what you see and if you don’t like it there’s 2-3 more to pick from Originally Posted by FunMonday
That’s true but I feel bad saying “ehh.. who else ya got?...uhhh.. next.. next..oh go back to girl number 2...ok, she’ll do” -so I usually just take whoever comes in the room.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
How many of these AMPS are taking photos or video of you?

I understand their safety but how many of you are documented on camera/video?

Based on years of comments, how many competitor mongers/WKs have videoed/photographed you and your car/plates?

Reading the forums on here and other sites, all of you seem to be the main guys and it's a small family of AMP mongers. Indy guys will get together at Strip clubs and socials. I've been curious if you guys meet up to compare stories and hang out.

I've always wanted to try the AMPS but there seems to be too much opportunity for problems.

Once day I'll break my Korean/Japanese/Chinese/Thai Cherry
This should be a no brainer. AMPs are the better bet by a long shot..I don't know if any of you are aware of the type of stuff thet goes on in this city. But there are stories of clients being robbed and killed meeting providers. Set-ups happen. At an AMP I'm not worried someone will come out of the bathroom with a pistol or a pimp coming to the door or something else crazy.

Also many of the independents have drug problems

Oh, and many independents also discriminate as well.

Most independents aren't worth the money. Many of them are girls I could probably pull for free off of tinder or bumble.
aRandyOne's Avatar
Never have a NCNS at an AMP.

Also last refuge of the unshaven bush. At least one or two.