Majic Johnson(bad pun)
charli sheen
good you think its good that they have HIV. You are a pathetic piece of work.
Majic Johnson(bad pun)
charli sheen
good Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
I am not surprised that Charlie Sheen is HIV positive given his lifestyle choices. However, I won't say that he or anyone else who is HIV positive got what they deserved. Definitely should have made better choices and been more careful. That makes this a teaching moment for others including hobbyists and providers everywhere. I have a cousin who died of AIDS years ago. Thankfully, it is no longer the automatic death sentence that it used to be. That's progress. Everyone stay safe. Originally Posted by WhiteGentlemanI'm glad he got HIV, good teaching lesson
So you think its good that they have HIV. You are a pathetic piece of work. Originally Posted by dirty dognah
.. IT's human nature.Fuck human nature, it doesnt mean it's "right" and it's def not logical
. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
nahAs usual you miss the point retard. I don't feel bad for him, personally don't give a shit but unlike you I don't feel it necessary to kick someone who is already down. I also wonder about someone who takes to time to actually make a post doing that. As for balls you only have them when your behind the key board.
you are a wussy lemming to feel sorry for them
what did you expect? why should I feel bad for him when he didnt even give a shit
guy blows his head off from playing russian roulette
from what you say, youd feel bad for him cause you are too wussy to say anything realistic
not having guts, thats pathetic
'A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once"
grow some balls and a brain Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
As usual you miss the point retard. I don't feel bad for him, personally don't give a shit but unlike you I don't feel it necessary to kick someone who is already down. I also wonder about someone who takes to time to actually make a post doing that. As for balls you only have them when your behind the key board. Originally Posted by dirty dogawww
awwwAwww... I hope you meant that with friendly handshake
you mad bro?
you still missed the point, per usual
I bet you do wonder about a LOT of stuff.
good luck with that. tard Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker