Conflation of two completely different scenarios.
What do you think would happen if a rogue state such as North Korea tried to fly a bomber capable of carrying a nuclear weapon into our airspace?
That's the sort of possibility the thread-starter apparently intended to consider.
Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I don't have the luxury of reading others' minds, nor do I limit the "scenarios" for delivery systems .... actually the architects of those buildings didn't either ... nor did the architect of the Empire State Building ... unfortunately neither factored in a fully fueled airplane just taking off ... they were considering lightly fueled incoming from a transAtlantic flight or international flight.
The more likely scenario for this country is a "loaded" tanker entering say ...
... Houston Ship Channel ... or a similar strategic target.
Or a commercial airliner loaded with women and children passengers, as the Iranians attempted against our Navy 30-40 years ago in the Persian Gulf. We would have the choice:
...... killing the women and children or taking a potential hit.
North Korea and the midget "running" the place are incidental ..
..... they have to run the gauntlet ... to make a strike by air. The real issue is:
what will even a "limited" nuclear war do to the condition of ....
..... the Earth and the world's economy. We have had neither for historical reference.
911 had a significant impact (ripple effect) on your economy and ...
.... we are still paying 12 years later.
That was peanuts in comparison. Does "Chernobyl" ring any bells?