Dr. Ben Carson - Creationist

You've got to be kidding me:


I have to admit I have not followed the hub-bub over the man - primarily because I did not have time to listen to that keynote speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. I also figured he was being over-hyped by the Obama-hating hard right.

It's also difficult to make the transition from inspirational speech and a career in medicine to being a good politician. Politics does take its own special set of skiils.

But whatever hopes I might have had for the man disappeared when I read he is a creationist. How you can reconcile mastery of neuroscience with belief in a 6-day creation of the earth is beyond me.

But the GOP definitely does NOT need any more fundamentalists in its leadership positions.
chefnerd's Avatar
The creationism aspect most likely comes from his religious beliefs as a Seventh Day Adventist -- very very creation oriented and which he absolutely has every right to follow if he so chooses as does everyone have the right to their own religious or non-religious beliefs. Professionally, as a surgeon, he has had an extraordinary career and life, but as you point out, this does not make for a good or effective politician. I tend to agree with this Pulitzer Prize winning lady in her assessment of Dr. Carson, an admirable man but with perhaps a mistaken philosophy.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Would you mind telling me what Obama's, Hillary's, or ....John Kerry's religious beliefs are? Not the church but what they believe.

Then can you tell me the relevance to holding office? Remember at one time nearly every office holder may have been a creationist or was a strong believer in God.
chefnerd's Avatar
I was answering what I inferred to be a subtle question by the OP, albeit not explicitly asked. I really do not care what a politician's religious beliefs are unless they overwhelm logic in their decisions. After all there is no religious test for holding office. At least not according to the constitution. Although some WERF related political entities would have us believe religious beliefs are the primary basis for holding elected office.
redriverronin's Avatar
Have to agree god doesn't need to be in politics and nither does race gender or sexual preference