Funny Ad

Funniest thing I've seen in awhile...!!!!!!
Great Ad !!!
Try and guess what this commercial is for … BEFORE it ends …
Sweet N Little's Avatar
OMG !!! Brilliant Advertising!!!!! Good find soulmanike, I had no clue till the end!!
FishGuy13's Avatar
onehitwonder's Avatar
Hey!! Dirt Devil dont work that good.....
That's a good, funny commercial.
ROFL good one. Hell, I thought it was an ad for a new brothel. I was waiting for the old lady to tell him "She's not quite done yet, would you like to wait or shall I get things started for you?"

That was effen funny...well done! Thanks for the link...great site.
Front Bottom's Avatar
Nice find. Thanks for the link.
badhusband's Avatar
Another Oldie, but still funny
  • Sami
  • 08-08-2011, 11:31 PM
That was good!
  • PT4ME
  • 08-09-2011, 04:19 PM
I thought it was for "Swiffer"...... do I get anything for coming close?

Hahaha, OMG I almost turned it off before it ended. That shit was beginning to freak me out, lol.
Guest012114's Avatar
I was waiting for a big black dog to show up - and the ad talk about either dog food or adoption or something......but this was a good one for sure!