
badhusband's Avatar
A man was doing a study of children's senses in a first-grade class using
bowl of Lifesavers. He gave the children all the same kind of Lifesaver
and asked them, "What is the flavor, and what color is it?"
The children began to say, "Red . . . cherry . . . yellow . . . lemon . . .
green . . . lime . . . orange . . . orange."
Finally, he gave them all honey Lifesavers.
The children sucked on them for a while, but couldn't decipher the taste.
"Well," he said, "I'll give you a clue. It's what your mother would call
One little girl looked up in horror, spit hers out, and yelled:
"Everybody spit it out, they're assholes!"
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL!! funny!