GOP alternatives to ObamaCare

Oh...yeah....they don't have any. Like every other policy they have, the policy is just to try to ensure that the Democratic policy fails.
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CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 01:03 PM
they do have an alternative for AHC

pass 45 meaningless bills in the House
There is that. I thought they tried again the other day? No. 47?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 02:58 PM
There is that. I thought they tried again the other day? No. 47? Originally Posted by timpage


39 dems crossed the aisle and voted with them ...,.. another House vote ... next the Senate

meaningless non legislation, legislation .. typical republicans
LovingKayla's Avatar
Actually they have put forth 17 different proposals. I can't cite the source though.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Though I don't think any if them were better than Obie care. Except maybe 1 and noone right or left would vote for the one that was actually good for us.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 03:41 PM
Actually they have put forth 17 different proposals. I can't cite the source though. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timmie you are such a lying little weasel. The GOP has put forth many alternatives but Obama didn't want to listen and Reid doesn't want to vote. Your own party is fucking you and more than allow it, you love it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The fallacy is that Obamacare was needed. Why replace something that was not wanted or needed.
The fallacy is that Obamacare was needed. Why replace something that was not wanted or needed. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You're even dumber than I thought if you think the current US health care system isn't completely fucked up. I have a friend who recently had a 360 degree spinal fusion in his lower back. About a 4 hour operation. You know what the surgical fee was?

$57,000.00. Mind you....that is the fee from the surgeon. It doesn't include three days in the hospital, the use of an operating room ($37,000 btw) or the three months of physical therapy he has out in front of him. We're talking about costs far north of six figures for this 4 hour operation and three days in the hospital.

You're an idiot if you think that's a system that is working. I suppose he should be grateful that he had health insurance that allowed him to get the care he needed. Millions of Americans don't. Which is sort of the point you fucking schlep.
Timmie you are such a lying little weasel. The GOP has put forth many alternatives but Obama didn't want to listen and Reid doesn't want to vote. Your own party is fucking you and more than allow it, you love it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sorry Professor, but you're the liar. All of the "alternatives" came with conditions that were never going to be acceptable to the President or the Democratic controlled senate and the republicans knew that when they made the offers. The "alternatives" were thrown out there for purely political idiot conservabots (like you) could make the argument that idiot conservabots (like you) are making right now. The GOP knew the shutdown was going to be a political disaster for them and their silly, meaningless "offers" were designed to allow them to be able to say "Oh, look. We offered a deal to avert the disaster we are creating and Obama wouldn't take it. So, the disaster is his fault."

It's idiotic and so are you. Anything else?
To say the GOP hasn't any alternatives to Obamacare is just plain ignorance.

Tell you what TrannyTim, if i post 3 alternative ideas the GOP has will you agree to terminate this thread ?
To say the GOP hasn't any alternatives to Obamacare is just plain ignorance.

Tell you what TrannyTim, if i post 3 alternative ideas the GOP has will you agree to terminate this thread ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Here, I will post them for you to save you the trouble, straight from The Onion:

-Repeating the phrase “you can keep your current doctor” over and over until something happens
-Loosening regulations to allow Americans to ship ill and injured family members to cheaper doctors overseas
-Whatever the opposite of tyranny is
-Allowing sick Americans to choose how they exhaust their life savings on a single medical bill, even if it’s out of plan
-A true market-based solution—perhaps a convenient website—where uninsured people would pay for their own health insurance from private providers
-$2,500 cash incentive to the first person who cures cancer
-A health care law that won’t allow the disgrace of another Benghazi
-Unsettling language and several ominous-looking graphs labeled “Obamacare” followed by a breezy smile and soothing, unspecific words

Does that about cover it? Fuck you Whirly, you don't dictate to me when or if I terminate a thread.
You dodge the question;

why? Because the premise of your thread is a lie..............

Again, if I can provide 3 GOP alternative ideas to Obamacare, will you admit you were wrong and ask for this thread to be closed ?

Answer: Of course you won't. You are just a bullshitter TrannyTim..
You're even dumber than I thought if you think the current US health care system isn't completely fucked up. I have a friend who recently had a 360 degree spinal fusion in his lower back. About a 4 hour operation. You know what the surgical fee was?

$57,000.00. Mind you....that is the fee from the surgeon. It doesn't include three days in the hospital, the use of an operating room ($37,000 btw) or the three months of physical therapy he has out in front of him. We're talking about costs far north of six figures for this 4 hour operation and three days in the hospital.

You're an idiot if you think that's a system that is working. I suppose he should be grateful that he had health insurance that allowed him to get the care he needed. Millions of Americans don't. Which is sort of the point you fucking schlep. Originally Posted by timpage
First, you admitted he had insurance so the cost is not an issue for him now is it? He probably had an insurance policy that he could afford and offered co-pays and deductibles that were reasonable. Under ObaminationCare he will pay more for his policy and have higher deductibles, which means he actually would have to spend more money for the services he got. And do you think ObaminationCare is going to reduce the costs for surgeries?

Second, ObaminationCare is forcing millions to pay for coverage they don't need at a cost that is causing financial hardships for them. So which is better? Providing coverage for millions who don't have coverage at the expense of everyone else? Or forcing millions to face financial hardships?