Insurrectionist Right Wingers Attack

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-20-2013, 08:26 PM
Looks like the traitorous right wingers are attacking the Obamacare website!

Yesterday, the House Homeland Security Committee published a video on their Youtube page highlighting a portion of the committee questioning Roberta Stempfley, acting assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Cyber-security and Communications, who confirmed at least 16 attacks on the Affordable Care Act’s portal website in 2013.
Roberta Stempfley highlighted one successful attack that is designed to deny access to the website called a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. A DDoS attack is designed to make a network unavailable to intended users, generally through a concerted effort to disrupt service such as repeatedly accessing the servers, saturating them with more traffic than the website is designed to handle.
ramblinman69's Avatar
Jesus Christ bert, please tell me you aren't this stupid like that assup guy. Come on now.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Hahahahahaha. Ok wait this is hilarious. And probably not for what you think.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what's amazing is that if the shoe were on the other foot, then every one of you Teawipe dildos would be screaming bloody murder. It isn't and you still are. LMAO!

conspiracy! YOW!

This comes as no surprise btw.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How do we know the hackers were traitors and/or RWWs?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and I bet you think that fire has never melted steel too. Where do they recruit guys like you?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-21-2013, 06:07 AM
How do we know the hackers were traitors and/or RWWs? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Did you have time to read the linked article? They attacked the site for an anti-government propaganda agenda, and they have encouraged others to do the same. The article also identifies their political proclivities.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2013, 07:18 AM
Did you have time to read the linked article? They attacked the site for an anti-government propaganda agenda, and they have encouraged others to do the same. The article also identifies their political proclivities. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
COG is a Parrot, he can't read, he can only mimic a Tea Turkey

Sounds like OWSers; or maybe anarchists; or maybe Luddites or something; the attackers could even be DNC shills, looking for deflection from their failures....pick your poison, but highly unlikely they are Tea Party activists....

This person:

NOT These people:

Did you have time to read the linked article? They attacked the site for an anti-government propaganda agenda, and they have encouraged others to do the same. The article also identifies their political proclivities. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sounds like OWSers; or maybe anarchists; or maybe Luddites or something; ....pick your poison, but highly unlikely they are Tea Party activists....

This person:

NOT These people:

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
+1 Well stated, and very probably true. Government websites are under a barrage of attacks everyday from anarchists, crooks and foreign governments. It was Odumbo's responsibility to build a website that was equal to such challenges, and he failed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Makes perfect sense, Whirlydouche!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You got to the idea before I did but that mask represents the cyber hackers Anonymous. They have done a lot of anti government stuff and are decidedly left wing, libertarian, who knows.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-21-2013, 10:28 AM
You got to the idea before I did but that mask represents the cyber hackers Anonymous. They have done a lot of anti government stuff and are decidedly left wing, libertarian, who knows. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
OK - so it is left wing supporters of our President, creating a false flag attack by the right wing, to cover up the failure to build a good website by the current administration?
You have quite an imagination.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think we actually know who hacked the system. I don't think the RW types are smart enough. There are more sides than pro-Obama and RWs, Bertie. According to recent polls, LOTS of people are unhappy with the Emperor. Not all of them RWs.