Old Lady and the Vibrator

Rodneykc's Avatar
One day, a little old lady walked into a sex shop. The young clerk couldn't help notice her, first, because she reminded him of his dear old grandmother, and second because she was twitching violently and trembling, even more than his grandmother did.
"Young m-m-m-man?" she stammered to the clerk, "Do you sell v-vibrators here?"
"Yes ma'am, we do," he replied, a little embarrassed.
"B-b-b-big fl-fl-fluorescent oh-oh-orange ones?" asked the old lady.
"Yes ma'am, we have some like that."
"The t-t-type about s-s-s-sixteen inches l-l-l-l-long?"
"Yes ma'am, we've got just about any size you'd want," said the young clerk.
"The k-k-kind that t-t-t-t-takes eight D-D-D Cell b-b-b-b-batteries?"
"Yes ma'am we carry some like that."
"Well, c-could you t-t-t-tell me how the h-h-hell you turn it off?"
What did the banana say to the vibrator?

"What are you shivering for? She's gonna EAT me!"
Rodneykc's Avatar
Very good!

After reading some of the threads in COED, Sandbox & Men's Lounge, I thought a little humor was in order. There seems to be some angry people that should RELAX.
I agree. Everyone needs a good laugh now and then. Hope this picks up.
noleftturn's Avatar
I knew a girl that used a vibrator for only a week and then threw it away. She kept complaining it was chipping her teeth.