Biden all "amped" up

texassapper's Avatar
I wonder what they are "inspiring" him with? LOL

Fast forward to the 8:00 minute mark and then watch the difference at the 8:27 time mark...

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Even at that, they still left in a few creepy whisper parts.
... Crikey! ... Surely hard for us to believe there, BombKat,
that President Biden has approval down in the 30's...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
you’re right, saulty. It is hard to believe that.
you’re right, saulty. It is hard to believe that. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Sad but TRUE! ...

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
cassidy hutchinson is an insurrectionist. she sez so.

... Sad but TRUE! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
cassidy hutchinson is an insurrectionist. she sez so. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
... Too right, mate.
I saw that.

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
I didn't hear the whole thing but did he tell the minority community how much money he saves them by promoting abortion? And how he's reformed the criminal justice system in favor of the criminals, where criminals now have more rights than law abiding citizens?

Did he remind the minority community that all that money they are losing due to inflation and asinine energy policies, is Putin's fault and not his? I wonder if the minority community is on board with spending 1 trillion dollars or "what ever it takes, for as long as it takes" on Ukraine and not the American crisis?

I keep telling myself, "this night mare is almost over" and then I hear that Joe Manchin has caved to Chuck u Shumer, and agreed , in the face of having told all Americans that he was going to wait until we find out if we are in a full blown recession before spending any more money and raising taxes. Thanks Joe.
HedonistForever's Avatar
you guys mean this?

“Ms. Hutchinson approached @CPAC for help through our First Amendment Fund which has helped J6 political victims defend themselves,” Schlapp wrote. “I am pleased we did not assist her performance today. Relaying WH hallway gossip as fact does not qualify as first person testimony.”

According to the Washington Post, Hutchinson recently switched lawyers, swapping a former Trump White House ethics lawyer for an attorney with links to Jeff Sessions, the former Alabama senator who became the attorney general Trump fired in 2018.
That move, the Post said, indicated a new willingness to cooperate with the January 6 committee.

So Ms. Hutchinson decided the better deal was to "co-operate" with the committee and give them what they wanted to hear or they would prosecute Ms. Hutchinson.

But that's just speculation on my part and like 1bm1 says, repeating the old line by Hillary, "what difference does it make now"?
ICU 812's Avatar
I have wondered what mix of meds they gibve President Biden to keep him "UP" for public events. The worrisome thing is that sometimes he seems to be almost "there". at other times, he seems to be a candidate for a seniors only memory-care living facility.

There IS a difference in behavior from hour to hour.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Fake Oval Office set, fake basement detention, fake evacuation from do we know that this is really Joe Biden?
  • Mplay
  • 07-29-2022, 08:11 PM
Visiting my mother in law at the care center. Had guys approach me yelling and flailing. This guy isn’t so far off.
Look at those eyes.

Whatever he is on, we can’t discuss it here.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But you just did.
ICU 812's Avatar
Prevagin? Alderol?

Whatever they give Alzheimer's patients . . .in massive doses I'll bet.

At least President Reagan knew what was going on with him. Fortunately for all of us, his condition did not deteriorate really badly till after his last term was up. And he sort of resigned from public life with his good by letter to the Nation.

It can be reasonably argued that he should have stepped down earlier, but good things did get done despite his condition, nuclear treaty with Soviets, and the groundwork for the fall of the USSR with German reunification and so on under President Ford.

What is really sad, is that everyone can see President Biden deteriorating with about every public speech or photo-op, but his wife and others won't let him step aside to get the rest and care he really should have from a loving family. I say that without mockery or gleeful sarcasm.