Trump: The Ball-less, Impotent Coward

Solemate62's Avatar
Next time you crackers go to Trump rally, take these facts with you: coward Trump dodged the Vietnam war with his bone spurs excuse. He spent those years cruising Manhattan in his Limo hunting for ass, all while the late John McCain was being daily tortured and abused over a five year period as a POW! Yes, the same McCain that Trump still belittles,!although McCain has been dead more than a year! Trump constantly sucks up to and grovels to murderous tyrants and dictators. Putin, Kim, Xi and the Saudi Prince responsible for the murder and dismemberment of an American Journalist! But when it comes to being tough on women, Trump is fearless-look how he bravely, daily attacks four petite women, members of Congress! Wow! What courage and leadership that takes! Take solace, all you Trumpian lemmings with your goofy-ass caps, drooling and cheering at the next so-called rally, Trump may not have the Purple Heart but he’s a slam dunk for the Orange Faced Ball - less Coward’s award: It’s an x-ray of his bone spurs superimposed over his draft deferment letter! Make America Great Again! Duh...!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Next time you crackers go to Trump rally, take these facts with you: coward Trump dodged the Vietnam war with his bone spurs excuse. He spent those years cruising Manhattan in his Limo hunting for ass, all while the late John McCain was being daily tortured and abused over a five year period as a POW! Yes, the same McCain that Trump still belittles,!although McCain has been dead more than a year! Trump constantly sucks up to and grovels to murderous tyrants and dictators. Putin, Kim, Xi and the Saudi Prince responsible for the murder and dismemberment of an American Journalist! But when it comes to being tough on women, Trump is fearless-look how he bravely, daily attacks four petite women, members of Congress! Wow! What courage and leadership that takes! Take solace, all you Trumpian lemmings with your goofy-ass caps, drooling and cheering at the next so-called rally, Trump may not have the Purple Heart but he’s a slam dunk for the Orange Faced Ball - less Coward’s award: It’s an x-ray of his bone spurs superimposed over his draft deferment letter! Make America Great Again! Duh...! Originally Posted by Solemate62

Jamal Khashoggi was not an American. and my dad took two academic deferments during Korea. in 1952 he had to serve in the Army after he graduated college. he was in the Army from 1952 to 1954.

Bush and Clinton avoided the draft for Vietnam too Clinton LIED to an Army Colonel to avoid serving.

There is help for TDS...on Nov.3 2020 you might not be able to get through to Crisis Hotline. I'm sure the phone lines will crash and suicides will skyrocket...PLEASE DON"T BE A STATISTIC!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
They're getting desperate because they know they're losing.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
They're getting desperate because they know they're losing. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Any facts or opinions of others to support your opinion?