Allydeep's Avatar
I am in need of a mua for this upcoming Wednesday the 14th in the am.
WTF is a MUA?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Could stand for "man up arse" I suppose, but then this would be the wrong forum for that solicitation!

Seriously, I believe she means make-up artist.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Make up artist

I love hookers on this board.

They say high class, blah blah blah but never heard of MUA lol

Then belittle one that asks for one because of your ignorance.

Stay classy
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Make up artist

I love hookers on this board.

They say high class, blah blah blah but never heard of MUA lol

Then belittle one that asks for one because of your ignorance.

Stay classy Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I didn't see anybody belittling anyone but YOU, sir. I was cracking a harmless joke, and there's no shame in not knowing something. God (and Brin and Page) made Google for a reason.

Yes, let's try to stay classy, or at least cordial.

Plenty of MUAs in Houston, lots of upscale beauty salons. I assume that the OP is looking for a traveling cosmetologist with this post, however, someone willing to call upon her? More info would have been helpful as to the particular expertise required (model, theatrical, daytime, night out, etc.), locale, and how much the OP was willing to pay. Like everything else, a good one isn't cheap. Some of the many photographers in this forum might have recommendations.

Irish luck to the lady in finding what she seeks.
James1588's Avatar
Gee, sure wish I wuz all smart like that-there GY6. I didn't have no idear, nohow, what MUA was.

But now I know somethin' else. I done figgered out what some of these ladies mean when they write "MUAH!" That must mean an assistant ... a Make Up Artist's Helper. And here I wuz thinkin' it wuz sorta representin' a kiss sound. An' thatz why I looked at th' thread ... cuz I done thinked MUA might be an abbreviation of MUAH! An' I'm purty much always lookin' fer a muah! from these pretty ladies. (Sorry, "purty" ladies.) Cuz it's so friendly an' cheerful an' all.

Hey, GY6, could you please find me a sugar baby? Or share yours? 'Cuz that's how it works, ain't it?
Gotyour6's Avatar
How cute,
A white night
Maybe they will give you a 20 dollar discount.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I didn't see anybody belittling anyone but YOU, sir. I was cracking a harmless joke, and there's no shame in not knowing something. God (and Brin and Page) made Google for a reason.

Yes, let's try to stay classy, or at least cordial.

Plenty of MUAs in Houston, lots of upscale beauty salons. I assume that the OP is looking for a traveling cosmetologist with this post, however, someone willing to call upon her? More info would have been helpful as to the particular expertise required (model, theatrical, daytime, night out, etc.), locale, and how much the OP was willing to pay. Like everything else, a good one isn't cheap. Some of the many photographers in this forum might have recommendations.

Irish luck to the lady in finding what she seeks.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Just noticed this coming form the two oldest providers on the board lol.

Now I get it.
Carry on
James1588's Avatar
How cute, Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Thank you! Yes, I am cute, it's true. (Blush!)

A white night
"White nights" occur in summer above the Arctic Circle, when the sun never sets. I suspect you meant something else. But you are all smart and all, so I'm sure you would never have used "night" when you meant "knight."

Maybe they will give you a 20 dollar discount.
You never know. But what I'm concerned about is the sugar baby deal. Please hurry up and find me one. Or, we can share yours. That is, after all, how it works.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Just noticed this coming form the two oldest providers on the board lol.

Now I get it.
Carry on Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Oh, neither Ms. Alaine or I are the oldest providers on ECCIE by a long shot, so again, your attempt to provoke and insult falls flat as the fake factoid.

Even if I were, as long as I'm enjoying what I do and the fellows who visit me are happy, nothing else much matters. Mature ladies are also sought after in the Hobby. Pleasure isn't just reserved for the young; the young-at-heart rock it, too.

Better luck raining on another parade, darlin'. Happy Steak & Blowjob Day!

Yawn. This old lady had a fun-filled wicked Wednesday afternoon, so will now go take a well-deserved nap.

Hope the OP found her MUA.
I feel more invested than is healthy
bigwill832's Avatar
Interesting to see a hobbyist with some random woman as his avatar calling someone a white knight.
Make up artist

I love hookers on this board.

They say high class, blah blah blah but never heard of MUA lol

Then belittle one that asks for one because of your ignorance.

Stay classy Originally Posted by Gotyour6
If any provider from the time/date my comment is posted is approached by you for an encounter, I will personally offer 20% higher rate given if she refuses to meet you.

I am also offering to double your SB allowance expecting nothing in return other than leaving you and your abusive unhealthy influence in her life.

Why is GY6 even on this board? I am just curious.