Chanel Kayy In KC .

Itskayy's Avatar

Heyyy its Chanel . I haven't been on Eccie in awhile .
But i see alot of the reviews you gentlemen have been saying . I ask for a DL Or A PIC of my request . Its not A Demand for you to send a pic of your DL . Its just more for a safety reason on my end . Alot of people try to scam me or pretend to be someone else when i show up . Due to that, that is why i ask so i know who i am seeing . . I have alot of reviews & i have done this for many years . I love what i do & i love making you gentlemen happy . It bothers me coming on here and seeing the negative things you say about me . But Hopefully we get to meet & you can really see who i am for yourself . Love yall .
ben dover's Avatar
Welcome back!
biomed1's Avatar
Moved to KC Metro Co-Ed Discussions
Well Kay, that is good to know. No that's GREAT to know. I have never called you because I thought it was a requirement and I wasn't going to waste either of our times, trying to talk you into it. I'm out of town now but I'll try and get hold of you when I get back.
She is amazing! Truly.
Are you still Outcall only?
Thanks for the info Chanel! I can understand your point of view. From a customer's point of view we don't want our personal information or photographs out there for obvious reasons. We appreciate all of the providers out there who want to provide us an enjoyable experience. I'll keep you in mind the next time I'm wanting to schedule some play time.
Just do screening
She is a waste of time.
I remember trying to see you a few years ago and you bailed on me because I didn't respond to the phone call right away. So I just wrote you off. As a business owner I certainly don't want anything real life floating around out there in the hobby world.