vaccine and performance

fred_flinstone's Avatar
Im sure this topic has been discussed ad nauseum. I become fully vaccinated at the end of April 2021, 7 months ago. Since then, I swear my performance has declined a notch or two. Of course, it could be any number of variables. What's the word on the street?
Ripmany's Avatar
It makes you last longer. Only prizer.
It made by viadera
  • H&H
  • 11-04-2021, 05:47 PM
What I hear is the same shit regarding every other problem with this virus/vaccine stuff: "Covid makes it worse than the vaccine does." I dunno if I ever had Covid but pretty likely I did- I also got the vaccine and not long ago for it. My performance has plummeted since the first shot about 90 days ago.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Im sure this topic has been discussed ad nauseum. I become fully vaccinated at the end of April 2021, 7 months ago. Since then, I swear my performance has declined a notch or two. Of course, it could be any number of variables. What's the word on the street? Originally Posted by fred_flinstone
you need a buster, or two till Jr is dea... ops all good again
I have noticed the same also.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
anyone want to say which jab ????
valkyra's Avatar
It's the first I've heard about the subject. Scary possibility, though. Bookmarked this page because I'm curious about the responses.

Might be worth noting that outside influences can be a contributing factor - everything has gotten much more stressful politically, prices of things are going up, etc, and having to think about all of that can affect your performance, too.
FatCity's Avatar
tons or studies about COVID reducing sperm count, but not from the "vaccines"
offshoredrilling's Avatar
tons or studies about COVID reducing sperm count, but not from the "vaccines" Originally Posted by FatCity
you believe the CDC
FatCity's Avatar
real interested in this thread.

Does this mean with the vaxxedbros all getting limp dicks it will drive the whore price exchange down for us PURE BLOODS?
From what I can tell, I had both shots of the Pfizer a out March or April and have not noticed a difference. Just my observation
myren1900's Avatar
I got two shots of the Moderna, and lately my performance has gone up

That was probably why Trump supported operation Warp Speed. He needed some help
I am triple shotted. My performance has not changed.
Y'all are fucking weak. 2 shots and a booster, still going as strong as ever.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-05-2021, 11:54 PM
Not fucking often gets you a soft cock, start using the sausage daily and watch it plump up and be ready to go at a seconds notice