Even have you cat stolen while hobbing

Ripmany's Avatar
Has any one ever mess with you automobile why are you seeing a hooker. I was bike jack a few times so I to fat now so take my car but so far knocked wood for no problems.
Believe me, it escaped!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
if you want to be carjacked, move to ROC Upset NY
I don't have a cat, even if I did, I would not take it to a session.
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 12-15-2021, 11:52 AM
I don't have a cat, even if I did, I would not take it to a session. Originally Posted by carguy1989
Haven't seen any "support animal" friendly providers as of yet. Assuming they're out there.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yes, I have.

One time, early on in my career-- had a gent put an envelope down on the counter.. and stupid me didn't check it. Was filled with cut up paper. He 100% stole the cat.
wood469's Avatar
poor little pussy
JRLawrence's Avatar

I would have never thought of that! That is really bad.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Believe me, it escaped!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

... Ya drongo! ... I just spilled me beer from LAUGHING!
No worrys... I can always grab another!

### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Believe me, it escaped!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Its still running....
Ripmany's Avatar
I don't have a cat, even if I did, I would not take it to a session. Originally Posted by carguy1989
So are straight pipes are legal in your state, I don't run straight pipes because I will make more noise and draw attraction to my self which don't need especially when going to see a prostitute. It calling LE first.
So are straight pipes are legal in your state, I don't run straight pipes because I will make more noise and draw attraction to my self which don't need especially when going to see a prostitute. It calling LE first. Originally Posted by Ripmany
... Hmmm... Got a good idea for ya, me friend.

Why not PUSH your bike over to the date.
That-way the police won't hear it.

And once you and the pretty-bird part company,
you can fire up and zoom on your way!

... No need to thank me for the advice there, mate.
Virtue surely is its-own reward...

#### Salty
Ripmany's Avatar
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-22-2021, 09:53 PM
Yes, I have.

One time, early on in my career-- had a gent put an envelope down on the counter.. and stupid me didn't check it. Was filled with cut up paper. He 100% stole the cat. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Don't hate the player, Hate the game 😂