not the only "ho hos" going out of business.....

DallasRain's Avatar
wow---can you believe this???

Monogamy: Now Guaranteed By This Handy Nasal Spray!

It's so hard to be a woman these days, mainly because men aren't normal people with brains and feelings but just sex machines always after the next bit of tail. Luckily, ladies, there's now a way to curb your man's biological instincts and make him the perfect husband/servant/worshipper you always wanted: Monogamy, the nasal spray!

No, seriously, though. A new study published in the Journal Of Neuroscience explores the hormone oxytocin and its effects when administered artificially. This sneaky little chemical known as "the love hormone" is naturally released by the brain and is already known to be a key factor in the formation of relationships, but in this study, a group of men were given a shot of nasal spray — either of a placebo or of a solution containing oxytocin. Then, they were asked to stand 24 inches away from a female assistant deemed "attractive" by the researchers (congratulations BTW!). As the men and women moved closer to each other inch by inch, the men were asked to note when they felt they were at an "ideal" distance and when the women became uncomfortably close.

The researchers expected to see the men administered with oxytocin behave more openly and allow the female participants to come closer than those without — indicating a willingness to engage in a romantic or sexual encounter increased by the so-called love hormone. However, the men who had received oxytocin and were also in long-term relationships displayed the opposite behavior. Compared to those not in monogamous relationships, they preferred to keep a significantly larger distance between themselves and the women. The study thus concluded that oxytocin promotes monogamous relationships by preventing men from "signaling romantic interest."
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
i've a feeling that this study has to be flawed.
Oh great. I heard where the smell of pumpkin pie or baking cookies makes men superhorny which is why I have candles scented like that in my incall...forget this spray! LOLOLOL
pyramider's Avatar
Anything makes a man horny, especially sexy women that post taint.
Anything makes a man horny, especially sexy women that post taint. Originally Posted by pyramider

So if you ever came to my house, forget about the pumpkin, I should just stand there naked for you?
DallasRain's Avatar
So if you ever came to my house, forget about the pumpkin, I should just stand there naked for you? Originally Posted by alluringava
soxfan's Avatar
I think that would work for everyone Ava
Sweet N Little's Avatar
what will they come up with next? lol

pyramider's Avatar
So if you ever came to my house, forget about the pumpkin, I should just stand there naked for you? Originally Posted by alluringava

That would be a good start ... then its TAINT TIME.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what will they come up with next? lol

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
..urm.. is that even safe to wear on a finger?