Energy Expenditure In Setting Up A Date

Fast Gunn's Avatar
What has been your experience in the time and energy required in setting up a date with a new provider?

Let's add a little twist to this and say it's a touring provider that you have not seen before and lack of geographical knowledge complicates the matter.

Has setting up a date been a fairly easy process or have you found it to be time consuming?

I always set up first dates through P411 after checking ECCIE reviews. I have yet to have a cancellation or NCNS. All the providers with whom I have dealt absolutely swear by P411.
doublebogey49's Avatar
I always set up first dates through P411 after checking ECCIE reviews. I have yet to have a cancellation or NCNS. All the providers with whom I have dealt absolutely swear by P411. Originally Posted by IMAPACKIN
I wonder now why I waited so long to join P411, but it certainly has made making new appointments a lot easier. I use the same method, doing my research on Eccie and then contacting the provider through P411.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-23-2012, 03:55 PM
So far, My experiences with setting up dates with traveling providers has been quite easy.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Setting up any date with a provider is a unique experience. With some, it boils down to a few PMs or e-mails and a few phone calls. With others, there might be an ongoing "conversation" days or even weeks ahead of time. Then there was this one time, where I never talked to the provider at all prior to walking into her room. Everything was done with a P411 request and 2 text messages. For me, if I've decided to see a provider and everything is looking good, I really don't care how much effort I have to put into making the arrangements. In my mind, if I want to see her, I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen, and it doesn't bother me a bit.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Most of the time, the difficult part for me has been deciding on which girl to select and determining if her menu suits my appetite.

The second difficulty is just finding the time in my schedule to work in some play time.

. . . From time to time, I have found the process a little too time-consuming, but then it usually pays off quite well!