Please welcome Highwayman64 as a Mod to the PA area...

Highwayman64 has been moderating in NY and has volunteered help out in the PA area as he spends a lot of time here. Please give him a warm Harrisburgh welcome...
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
Welcome to our little slice of the hobby world.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Thanks! I will do my best for the team here!
I'm not back home yet but I will be soon! I'm 10 hrs away will head there tomorrow ,I hope as I get home that somehow we can boost the use of eccie in the pa area , I know I'll be trying to get clients to sign up and use this place more , dunno but gonna give it one hell of a shot, I'm here Bp n p411 not really wanting to add More to the list but hey got any ideas ? Ps I'll be in Wilksbarre / hazelton / Danville areas
Highwayman64's Avatar
I'm not back home yet but I will be soon! I'm 10 hrs away will head there tomorrow ,I hope as I get home that somehow we can boost the use of eccie in the pa area , I know I'll be trying to get clients to sign up and use this place more , dunno but gonna give it one hell of a shot, I'm here Bp n p411 not really wanting to add More to the list but hey got any ideas ? Ps I'll be in Wilksbarre / hazelton / Danville areas Originally Posted by crystal361cc
I would love to see it catch on more in the PA area, it is a great info tool for all of us!
A lot of people have mixed feeling about back page which I completely understand , but as of last 2-3 months client that are frequent hobbyists I've been getting them to sign up n reviewing . The review discounts seem to work as far as clients , dunno bout other providers getting involved sure would be nice I also use eccie logo on any site I post ,, supply n demand takes over I'm guessing it's doable if girls see there is client interest