What sort of event needs to occur for us to all pull together?

How do we stop hating on each other and try to come together in this country?

Is it a world war that draws us all together against a common enemy?

An economic catastrophe that makes us all forget about the stupid culture shit that splits us apart now because we're all too busy trying to figure out how to feed our families?

A civil war where the conservatives and the progressives split up the United States because we can't reconcile our cultural differences in regard to shit like abortion?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ohhh, that looks like an attack. How swarmy. How about an natural disastor like a major hit by a hurricane...oops that was politicized by the left under Bush and Obama. Maybe a major terrorist attack...a year after 9/11 the democrats were calling a Bush a war criminal. Okay, a terrible virus that kills progressives. I think the country could work together then. Of course the left called Reagan all sorts of names when AIDs blew up on the scene. Doesn't look very hopeful...as long as we have the hard left.
Ohhh, that looks like an attack. How swarmy. How about an natural disastor like a major hit by a hurricane...oops that was politicized by the left under Bush and Obama. Maybe a major terrorist attack...a year after 9/11 the democrats were calling a Bush a war criminal. Okay, a terrible virus that kills progressives. I think the country could work together then. Of course the left called Reagan all sorts of names when AIDs blew up on the scene. Doesn't look very hopeful...as long as we have the hard left. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The idiot has chimed in and offered zero...as usual. Anybody else?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2013, 10:41 PM
Ohhh, that looks like an attack. How swarmy. How about an natural disastor like a major hit by a hurricane...oops that was politicized by the left under Bush and Obama. Maybe a major terrorist attack...a year after 9/11 the democrats were calling a Bush a war criminal. Okay, a terrible virus that kills progressives. I think the country could work together then. Of course the left called Reagan all sorts of names when AIDs blew up on the scene. Doesn't look very hopeful...as long as we have the hard left. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
pssssst .. hey Einstein

its natural disaster ... like your teaching career
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2013, 11:26 PM
If JD and LovingKayla bred , the whole country would pull together on abortion!

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-04-2013, 11:34 PM
If JD and LovingKayla bred , the whole country would pull together on abortion!

Originally Posted by WTF
But then you see jackoffs like sup, and you know abortions do survive.....lmfao
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Timmy, you are always posting on here, reminding us of divisions based on race, gender, sexual orientation, class, etc. And now you want to talk unity? What you asking is "How do I get rid of everyone who doesn't agree with me?"

I have an idea. Let's let people live their own lives however they want, so long as they give others that right. Let people take responsibility for their own decisions. And let charitable people help who they want without restrictions. It's called "freedom".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seedy, when is your movie coming out? "Seedy the Movie: Drunk and Bitter."

That said, I think there is more polarity in the forum among us socially challenged whore mongers (except for Whiny, because we all know he's a homo) than there is on the public at large. I believe the tone of the, er, discussions on here is driven by the fact that most of you shitheads probably can't carry on a conversation at home and work. And there's an excellent chance a lot of you dipshits don't get laid because you're too embarrassed to buy rubbers at the drug store!

Or something like that.

Carry on, Johnny Cochran.

And, just for the record, Barleybrains ain't no fucking teacher. READ his shit. I don't care if you teach metal shop, you can't graduate without a functioning grasp of English.

Oh, and I vote for the plague!

How do we stop hating on each other and try to come together in this country? Originally Posted by timpage
Joe Biden becomes President. There I said it. He would need all the help the country could muster.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And how are you gonna make that happen? Say THAT too.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-05-2013, 06:00 AM
Seedy, when is your movie coming out? "Seedy the Movie: Drunk and Bitter."

That said, I think there is more polarity in the forum among us socially challenged whore mongers (except for Whiny, because we all know he's a homo) than there is on the public at large. I believe the tone of the, er, discussions on here is driven by the fact that most of you shitheads probably can't carry on a conversation at home and work. And there's an excellent chance a lot of you dipshits don't get laid because you're too embarrassed to buy rubbers at the drug store!

Or something like that.

Carry on, Johnny Cochran.

And, just for the record, Barleybrains ain't no fucking teacher. READ his shit. I don't care if you teach metal shop, you can't graduate without a functioning grasp of English.

Oh, and I vote for the plague!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Jesus you libtards, are the first to start name calling, I just enjoy kicking it up a notch, and watching you mental midgets, lose the few brain cells you have left. And sup, for the record I do not drink, at all


I have an idea. Let's let people live their own lives however they want, so long as they give others that right. Let people take responsibility for their own decisions. And let charitable people help who they want without restrictions. It's called "freedom". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well, it won't be a thread on this board asking for ideas ...LOL
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Getting everyone's tit stuck in a wringer at the same time.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I really do not ever see the liberal left coming together and stop hating on those that believe differently form themselves.
The idea that government knows best and needs to provide all the answers and controls over everybody is diametrically opposed to anyone that believes in individual liberty and freedom.

There are flaws in our representative form of government that flow throughout all aspects from local to federal. The main one being we are forced to live under laws that were created by elected officials that no longer represent the people. Further to that, the elected officals have given power to appointed individuals to make regulations under the laws that circumvent our representative form of government.

The simple truth is that our government has become corrupted and fails to function as it was intended.

I see propaganda spew from so many sources on all sides of the political spectrum. We are lied to, misled, and conned by everyone from the president on down.It is no wonder there are those that are skeptical of every event that occurs and is over reported or under reported.The4 president is still producing propaganda videos claiming that the "rich" are not paying their "fair share". This is even after the tax increases that were recently approved while giving tax cuts to the "poor" and "middle class". The people that work to try to reduce spending and shrink the size and cope of govbernment are called "extremists".

Why do we need an event to clarify the problem that we have in this nation? The idea that we are all created equal does not mean that we all remain equal or we would all end up representing the lowest common denominator. The opportunity that we are granted, as is stated being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, means the government should not interfere with those opportunities yet it does on a regular basis. Penalizing ostracizing those that take advantage of the opportunites that are part of oure inalienable rights is one of the greatest threats to this nation. Pitting people against each other because of their success or lack there of harms each and every one of us. Telling people that they are being de3nied their "fair share" because others are not paying theirs is damaging our nation. Convincing people that they do not have a chance because too many have become successful is damaging to this nation. The idea that you are owed something without contributing or working to achieve is damaging to our nation. The high cost of starting a fledgling business because of the overbearing of the government is damaging to our nation.

WE do not need a single event orcatastrophe to pull this nation together. What we need is some common sense.