Office Holiday Party

  • Laker
  • 12-22-2010, 09:42 AM
We are having annual office Holiday Party today. Do many of you continue to have them?

Has been quite eventfull over the years!! Always too much to eat and way too much to drink! At least to date no fights and no one fired!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Tues at work we had one. 2 hour lunch. Lots of food. Nothing to drink but pop.
Ours was a bring-something-from-home lunch. No booze.

Laker, remember. The mistletoe does not give you permission to grab her ass and pull her in tight. Especially if she's your boss.

Man, that's a mistake I'll never make again.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Ours was a bring-something-from-home lunch. No booze.

Laker, remember. The mistletoe does not give you permission to grab her ass and pull her in tight. Especially if she's your boss.

Man, that's a mistake I'll never make again. Originally Posted by NormalBob
Why just last week I grabed a girls ass, then pulled her in. Than asked "what you doing when I'd done with this beer". she said "you'. And she did. You got to move your office party to the AC. See if she see's any humor in that. Oh wait BOSS. Still hope if you are still there.
I had one for my staff last week. It was a nice buffet lunch with our own room in a hotel conference center. No booze.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I had one for my staff last week. It was a nice buffet lunch with our own room in a hotel conference center. No booze. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
HEHEHEHE do I dare. mmmm thinking. Na! I do not want to know if any one grabed jacks .
oklib's Avatar
  • oklib
  • 12-22-2010, 12:07 PM
I always get and invite even though
retired to the fire and police get
together at public safety bldg.
No booze after Urlacher got the
Still meet my pals for lunch once a
Chaz108's Avatar
Taking the staff out tomorrow for lunch, then letting them go early to get a jump on the holiday. It's usually fun to get everyone out of the office and into a more comfortable environment.

I always look forward to the check to see who's drinking what....always surprised at the names of some these new fangled cocktails!
Deepthinker's Avatar
Fed my staff a nice buffet and some fine wine to wash it down this past friday. That , in combo with the bonus checks , makes it a popular day.
Next year I'll have a holiday office party...... i mean a holiday hobby party Since I have no office to party with....

Could get a little boring drinking with the laptop and dog haha and then I may just have to admit to having a problem or two...