The Delta Covid Variant... How Concerned Are You?

Chung Tran's Avatar

I think it can threaten full economic recovery. The vaccine rate in the US has slowed dramatically, that group of vaccine holdouts is not budging, despite offers from cash to blunts to sports tickets given away as incentives.

Meanwhile, outside of the US, vaccine rates are still very low (Europe is fast improving).

Anectdotally, there are 2 concerts I am slated to attend in the next 3 months. One act is from Canada, the other from England. Both were originally going to start their tours in their home countries, but that leg is now postponed untill next Spring! Adequate progress toward defeating Covid, is simply not acheived yet.

I think if we don't boost vaccine rates to 80% by, say, late September, we could have a troubling new spike. That will encompass cases in some who are fully vaccinated. Pfizer is ''only'' 88% effective, and the Delta variant has room to mutate and knock that percentage lower.
I’m not worried about a variant.

I had Covid, it was no big deal. I took the vaccine, and unlike many, neither the first or second shot had any affect on me, aside from my arm being a tad sore.

Apparently, whatever that Chinese Lab cooked up only affects a certain group of people n the gene pool.

What I am worried about is the Chinese or some rogue regime cooking up something that won’t kill millions, but hundreds of millions.

If you think that won’t happen, just ask yourself. What’s to stop them?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
About the same as the original variant, not at all.
Chung Tran's Avatar
If I understand you guys, you are unconcerned from a physical and personal perspective.

But what about, say, the effect on Economic recovery? The US does not simply operate within its own borders, the economy is Global. The admittedly minor anecdote I posted, can be expanded to more economic inplications.

Do you view the Delta variant as a nuisance that ultimately will not change the course of the virus? That we got this?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s only a problem if the media decides to stoke irrational fear into the public again. It’s not an election year so they probably won’t. No President Trump = No Covid sensationalism.
I’m not worried about a variant.

I had Covid, it was no big deal. I took the vaccine, and unlike many, neither the first or second shot had any affect on me, aside from my arm being a tad sore.

Apparently, whatever that Chinese Lab cooked up only affects a certain group of people n the gene pool.

What I am worried about is the Chinese or some rogue regime cooking up something that won’t kill millions, but hundreds of millions.

If you think that won’t happen, just ask yourself. What’s to stop them? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yeah that's called Rabies. When they figure out how to tweek the Rabies Virus to transmit from person to person without anyone having to be bitten then it's time for some real concern. In the meantime a Cold Virus manipulated in a Lab will probably mutate back into it's original form where it no longer is transmittable from person to person.
Levianon is correct about his rabies posit whether tweaked or natural mutation. If HIV had been airborne, we might not be here writing today. Hence the need for (ahem) science to mitigate/control/prevent/cure such eventualities. The technology behind the covid vaccine is ground breaking and holds hope for future applications (yes, I'm very aware of those who disagree).

As far as covid mutating back to it's originally form, the key word there again is probably...same as potentially...and other terms used too frequently here by those who don't have a foundation about what they speak.

Natural selection will rule and a viral mutation that becomes more successful in terms of reproducing itself will become dominant. A mutation not targeted by the antibodies evoked by current vaccines could become dominant. But again, that's up to Mother Nature and she's a bitch.
Chung Tran's Avatar
That’s only a problem if the media decides to stoke irrational fear into the public again. It’s not an election year so they probably won’t. No President Trump = No Covid sensationalism. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I normally dodge media conspiracy chatter, but I don't rule out an ''undue emphasis'' regarding this variant. It is a convenient Boogie Man that could spark vaccine increase, and counter current vaccine lethargy.

I don't know if it is a Boogie, or new dance moves that clumsy footing will not be able to keep in step with.
Not frightened, but I am concerned. Had two of my co-workers in India get hospitalized with it...both were healthy in their 30's, one had already been immunized. Had multiple friends in my industry know people in India who died from it. It is now stateside, and I'm watching to see how fast it may spread. As for economics, it may put a damper on international travel again...but I don't know how a populace that has now been told we are "re-opening" would react to another pullback into a lockdown.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I'm a little bit scared and a little bit pissed off.
Levianon is correct about his rabies posit whether tweaked or natural mutation. If HIV had been airborne, we might not be here writing today. Hence the need for (ahem) science to mitigate/control/prevent/cure such eventualities. The technology behind the covid vaccine is ground breaking and holds hope for future applications (yes, I'm very aware of those who disagree).

As far as covid mutating back to it's originally form, the key word there again is probably...same as potentially...and other terms used too frequently here by those who don't have a foundation about what they speak.

Natural selection will rule and a viral mutation that becomes more successful in terms of reproducing itself will become dominant. A mutation not targeted by the antibodies evoked by current vaccines could become dominant. But again, that's up to Mother Nature and she's a bitch. Originally Posted by reddog1951
For a long time we've heard of a "Zombie Apocalypse". If something like that was ever to come to fruition it would be Rabies because of it's effect on the Central Nervous System. Let's just hope that idea is just someone's wild imagination. I am sure most people would never have imagined this Pandemic would have taken place.
I have no idea what to believe when it comes to Covid via the media and any government. I tend to believe my own investigations--So that means the original virus came from a lab in China be it man made or from a bat that part I don't know. But it for sure came out from that lab in China and it was out in the world much earlier than the fall of 2019.
I was sick in early 2019 around January and it may have been Covid but at that time there were no tests. I went the rest of 2019 without being sick and all of 2020 without being sick with any kind of cold and I never wore a mask except where required by law. In 2020 I took trips to Las Vegas, New Orleans, Houston, and Phoenix flying every time and never wearing a mask because they do not work (I wore one where required by law)...I was recently sick again in May 2021 for a couple of weeks with a nagging respiratory illness, cough and cold and took antibiotics for that. Was it Covid? Maybe. Did I need the antibiotics? Probably not I thought it was viral but took them anyway.

I have not had the vaccine. I'm currently looking at Covid as a new flu strain. People will get it. If you are older or have bad health then get the vaccine. Otherwise it likely doesn't matter-kinda like the flu or common cold. Still waiting on evidence to be revealed before I get the vaccine, if I get it. Could be awhile. I see some people are already getting boosters. Not concerned about the variant I hear about on TV and in other news clips like above.
If someone had their TV and internet off in late 2019 and all of 2020 they might not have even noticed there was a virus going around. Nobody sounded the sirens in my state. Was the Emergency Broadcast system use? NOPE! Thank you for not shutting down one of my dual residence states Mr. Governor!
I think we'll be ok.
I have no idea what to believe when it comes to Covid via the media and any government. I tend to believe my own investigations--So that means the original virus came from a lab in China be it man made or from a bat that part I don't know. But it for sure came out from that lab in China and it was out in the world much earlier than the fall of 2019.
I was sick in early 2019 around January and it may have been Covid but at that time there were no tests. I went the rest of 2019 without being sick and all of 2020 without being sick with any kind of cold and I never wore a mask except where required by law. In 2020 I took trips to Las Vegas, New Orleans, Houston, and Phoenix flying every time and never wearing a mask because they do not work (I wore one where required by law)...I was recently sick again in May 2021 for a couple of weeks with a nagging respiratory illness, cough and cold and took antibiotics for that. Was it Covid? Maybe. Did I need the antibiotics? Probably not I thought it was viral but took them anyway.

I have not had the vaccine. I'm currently looking at Covid as a new flu strain. People will get it. If you are older or have bad health then get the vaccine. Otherwise it likely doesn't matter-kinda like the flu or common cold. Still waiting on evidence to be revealed before I get the vaccine, if I get it. Could be awhile. I see some people are already getting boosters. Not concerned about the variant I hear about on TV and in other news clips like above.
If someone had their TV and internet off in late 2019 and all of 2020 they might not have even noticed there was a virus going around. Nobody sounded the sirens in my state. Was the Emergency Broadcast system use? NOPE! Thank you for not shutting down one of my dual residence states Mr. Governor! Originally Posted by DTickler
The Science really isn't settled on Covid-19 and it won't be until the Media and the Government stop putting out contradictory information. Until then don't hang your hat on just one school of thought.
txdot-guy's Avatar
The delta variant has proven to be a more contagious version of the coronavirus. It's going to be the most common variant globally very soon. What should scare people is either the lack of available vaccinations and the refusal of some of us to do what needs to be done and to take the vaccine if it's available.

This is one of the reasons you should be taking your vaccine and why you don't want to be infected with the coronavirus. Covid-19 can have many long term effects even if you have a mild case.

"A new study from researchers in the United Kingdom has found that the coronavirus may cause long-term brain loss and could be the reason some COVID-19 patients lose their sense of smell and taste."