Guys that have trouble finishing

I am new to this site and this hobby. I have always had trouble finishing even since my first time. I beleive it was ultimately what led to the seperation of my girlfriend as it always bothered her and she thought I no longer found her attractive(which was untrue). She just kept becoming more distant as time went on.

I am in my mid 20s and feel I am too young to have this problem. I also feel I am too young for this hobby as well, since a number of providers only see clients over 30.

I am worried this problem will affect my future relationships so I visited a provider to see if my problem persited. It did and I actually felt really bad about it. She was beautiful and very nice and I did not want her to think I was unsatisfied. Does it actually bother a provider is they can't get a man to finish, or am I just being dumb for it bothering me.

Anyway, I was just wondering how common this problem is among clients. Also, if you had the same problem, what did you do to fix it?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I can't finish in a rubber, but I have many years on you. I have to be in a dominate position to finish so CG is not my favorite position. BBBJ is the best.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I believe this is not uncommon, probably not as much as premature ejaculation but not rare. I would ask a doctor.

Never too young for this hobby, but don't let it be your outlet because you're concerned how your other issue will affect girlfriends. You owe it to yourself to consult with a doctor. Then see the other professionals.
thisguy23's Avatar
Sounds like good advice.
DallasRain's Avatar
I try not to sweat the small stuff---focus on the journey and not the destination.
there is plenty of activities you can do to have fun!
I say just go with the flow and have as much as you can!!
Jannisary's Avatar
Are you able to finish without trouble when you're flying solo?
no such thing is possible during time spent with me
Cpalmson's Avatar
I have the opposite problem. I'm in my 40s and still have problems with pre-mature ejaculation-- especially when with someone for the first time. There are times I envy those who can't finish or take a long time to cum.

Like the OP, my problem impacted my sex life in and out of the hobby. Out of the hobby, I simply had zero confidence in myself. In the hobby (before discovering GFE providers), I was left many times with unsatisfactory experiences. I would barely be undressed and she would just barely touch me. I would cum. She'd put her clothes on, and that would be it because that was back in the days of "one and done". Thankfully, I stopped trying to fight it. Instead, I sought out providers who allowed or even encouraged multiple pops. Also, I learned to slow things down a bit and vary the pace and types of activities. Now, that I'm better attuned to my body and how it reacts, I'm in control of an encounter instead of the encounter being in control of me.

My recommendation to the OP is this. First, what are you seeking? Are you turning to providers to relieve your sexual tension, or do you really want a civie relationship that works for you? There is "no" age requirement to be a client in the hobby (other than being 18). If you really want a regular civie relationship with the full sexual experience, the hobby is probably not for you. If you are wanting to experiment, gain confidence, or get to know how your body works in response to sexual arousal, then the hobby maybe a good way to seek your sexual release without all the hang ups of getting into the emotions of a relationship. It really is up to you. But I will say this. Regardless which path you go down, communicating your situation is key. If your partner (be it civie or provider) has no clue as your "finishing" problems, both of you will end up being frustrated. Also, you do need to find what actually gets you off and to know those signals or tells. Once you know this, tell your partner. She can then focus on satisfying those sensations. If you do seek out a provider, talk with her ahead of time. Let her know your issues. A lot of these ladies will take it as a challenge to get you off Finally, find one way that you know will get you off. Maybe it is a hand job or a blow job. There's nothing wrong with having mind blowing sex in a variety of positions and then blowing your load at the hands of a lovely lady.
nuff said with go back to the old girlfriend since you obviously still have feelings for her. Let her know and take her to the doctor with you. let her hear the medical advice from someone more qualified. however, maybe she isn't doing what pleases you on the flip side. communication is key.
Still Looking's Avatar
no such thing is possible during time spent with me Originally Posted by Kristal Lite
LaStang's Avatar
longer sessions
Jannisary's Avatar
Since you've not answered my question, I'm going to go ahead and assume you are able to reach orgasm without problem when masturbating. If that is true, then you need to stop masturbating so much. Basically you need to learn how to get off with a woman instead of with your hand. You're used to the over stimulation of masturbation and now need that to get off . There have been books written about this and therapists who can help much more than a message board.
Jannisary is correct, there has been a lot written about his especially lately; take a break from porn and masturbation for a couple of weeks and see if that makes any difference.

If that doesn't help, it is probably time to seek medical advice. There may be a physical or psychological issue at work here.
Does it bother a provider?? Only the good ones. Some take calls during your magic moment, smoke, and just flat don't give a damn.You really should find you one that prides herself on her happy will get your money's worth.

I had similar problem evolve after my divorce....I was going nutso with any chick that would wink, and found myself unable to finish when there was no emotional connection. Be of good cheer; when I hooked up with a sweetie I really cared about and we stayed together for a while, the problem went away.....thank goodness, she was hot, too boot.

And you are not alone, why do you think the gals that offer GSE are so highly praised.
If you masturbate you need to try quitting for awhile. Or research the subject as there are ways to fix this