I'm considering doing a podcast. Is anyone familiar with these?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Oh, I'm sure that most are familiar with podcasts but I'm interesting in perhaps doing one on my own.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Websites that are helpful?

Any of your thoughts would be appreciated!

john_deere's Avatar
i listen to a lot of them, and they're great. joe rogan's is my favorite.

but...it's a ton of work to produce them and growing an audience takes time.
A well-known phone sex company does their podcasts on podcastdirectory.com. They also do live radio shows online at http://www.live365.com. You might consider both.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thank you so much for the information thus far. This is a little budding idea that I've had for awhile but not sure which direction to start.