Back Issues.....

Crash Davis's Avatar
This is more for the guys, anyone have back problems that limit you to give it your all with you lady friend? I just recently found out I have a herniated disk and just not the stud I think I once least for now. Thoughts?
pyramider's Avatar
My issue is soft tissue which is adversely affecting my little soft tissue.

Communicate to the lady that you do have some back issues. Most can and are willing to accommodate.
Jannisary's Avatar
Just communicate the problem with the provider. I've got neck and back problems that act up. Some positions are better than others. At times I can't do prolonged missionary without my back tightening up bad. My neck problem can make extended daty difficult, sometimes putting a pillow under the provider will help with those two problems. Other time just have to find other positions and things to do. Communication is key.
I've got herniated discs myself from years of playing contact sports. Fortunately, mine don't bother me all the time. Not sure of the severity of yours but you could try lots of stretching, especially the hamstrings, if you need to lose a few pounds that helps as well. I've heard you don't want back surgery if you can help it. As far as the lady goes, communicate what's going on with her if your having problems.
Crash Davis's Avatar
Thanks everyone....the most frustrating thing is when you know she is "almost there" and then your back tells you "no more". I've yet to try my liberator wedge since this issue, maybe it will help :-)
Phukkenay's Avatar
I recommend trying some basic yoga. It genuinely helps when anything hurts for me.
thecapn93's Avatar
I used to have back issues of Playboy, the 70's were the best, but that may be due to the fact that's when I first discovered it...