Encounter: Kiki relaxed me

User ID: -
Date: 11/18
Name: Kiki
Phone: (737) 297-8565
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: South 1st just south of Ben White
Activities: FSMB, BBJ, CFS
Hair Length and Color: Long, black
Age: 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Nice chest. Good face. 5'4"
Recommendation: Yes
RadioHam's Avatar
Geez, how many girls are named Kiki working around here? Just Relax, Health Spa, and now LHS Foot all have a different girl with the same name with lots of offerings and "Yes" recommendations.
GoodTyme's Avatar
Geez, how many girls are named Kiki working around here? Just Relax, Health Spa, and now LHS Foot all have a different girl with the same name with lots of offerings and "Yes" recommendations. Originally Posted by RadioHam
Kiki, Coco, Mimi, Cici, Cindy/Candy always seem to be some of the most common names.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Geez, how many girls are named Kiki working around here? Just Relax, Health Spa, and now LHS Foot all have a different girl with the same name with lots of offerings and "Yes" recommendations. Originally Posted by RadioHam
In order to use the name Kiki, each girl must graduate from the KTSA. (Kiki Training School of Austin). Each girl must earn and 'A' average and write a thesis on "Why I deserve to be a Kiki."

Those who use the name without certification are subject to immediate name change.

"I thought I could get away with calling myself Kiki, but I was wrong" said newly renamed 'Blanche' from Failure Massage.

"Next time, I won't take shortcuts. I'll do the course work!" said 'Phyllis' from Boredom Spa.

Don't cheat the system! Get certified as a Kiki today!

RadioHam's Avatar
In order to use the name Kiki, each girl must graduate from the KTSA. (Kiki Training School of Austin). Each girl must earn and 'A' average and write a thesis on "Why I deserve to be a Kiki." Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Very Clever Captain! Your analysis could hold some weight since the ones I've known and those listed here all offer FSBM, BBJ, & CFS. Hummmm.
Geez, how many girls are named Kiki working around here? Just Relax, Health Spa, and now LHS Foot all have a different girl with the same name with lots of offerings and "Yes" recommendations. Originally Posted by RadioHam
I think half the ladies I've met at AMPs go by Coco, Kiki, Mia, or Joy. What am I supposed to do? Make up a different name for them? lol!

I've never had a bad encounter at this place. Everyone there knows what you want and usually will do whatever you ask as long as the price is right. I just don't like how exposed I feel walking in.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
I just don't like how exposed I feel walking in. Originally Posted by austintoast
I don't like how exposed I feel walking out.
Attached Images File Type: png Maninunderwear_blurred_lr.png (51.3 KB, 624 views)
Its best to take your clothes off AFTER you go in
at least 3
GoodTyme's Avatar
Its best to take your clothes off AFTER you go in Originally Posted by Griz20
I just strip in the parking lot leave my clothes in my car and walk in. That way there is no identifiable logos to identify me. Plus the ladies immediately know why I am there? Just cuts out the questions if I am LE. Although during the winter sometimes little GT does not want to come out and see his shadow he is so cold.