This is a test

HedonistForever's Avatar
OK, so we have difference of opinions in the Chauvin case, the kid shot in the ally because he may not have had the gun in his hand when he was shot case. The cop that uses her gun instead of her taser. All have room IMHO for disagreement.

But I'm bewildered how anybody could be calling for a charge of murder against the cop who shoots the 16 year old about to stab another BLACK teenager?

Have you seen these people on MSNBC? It's like they are part of an alternate universe! "they're just teenagers having a school yard fight" one says. One says "what if that was your daughter that was shot" and nobody bothers to ask that guy "what if it was your daughter about to be stabbed" because that would upset the preferred narrative policy at MSNBC. That policy "let's keep this racial, all police are racist narrative going because it's ( they think ) good for the Democrat party" policy.

So please, I'd like everybody on this board to offer an opinion on what I believe to be an open in shut case for the cop. If you think this cop should be charged, please tell us why?

To me this is a test case because it doesn't involve confusing a gun for a taser, a knee on anybodies neck, a shooting of a person that no longer posses a threat because he doesn't have gun .08 seconds after he does have a gun.

No, this case is at the heart of what road we are about to go down in this country. If we can't agree that this cop had no other choice, we are in trouble IMHO.

One person wondered why the cop couldn't just fire a shot into the air as the knife was in a downward motion into the body of the teenage Black girl or shoot her in the arm or leg? The police Captain answered that question by explaining that in a situation of great bodily harm about to happen, you shoot for center mass to stop the deadly attack and because by trying to shoot an arm or leg, you could miss and hit a bystander and anything less than a center mass shot, might not stop the attack.

This is a Black person who made the 911 call begging for police to come to a Black neighborhood to stop a knife attack on a Black teenager. The cop has two choices really, shoot the individual with the knife or don't shoot at all.

Opinions please and you guys can do what you want but arguments aren't what I'm looking for. Give your opinion and your reason and let's see what the end result is because, like I said, this could be a defining moment on how policing is done in the future, if there is to be policing in the future.

Have you heard of the Vice President's new George Floyd federal policing policy up for consideration? It would include doing away with "qualified immunity" ( which incorrectly assumes by some the right to get off scout free for doing something illegal, it doesn't ) which keeps police from being sued in civil court for any perceived misconduct which of course would be every single arrest a cop makes.

If this were to pass, every single cop in America, that has a brain, would either quit or do nothing to jeopardize his livelihood, would you if you could be sued for every arrest you make to be decided in a court of law where you can not only lose your job but everything you own?

Cop should be charged or not charged?
HedonistForever's Avatar
10 readers and nobody has an opinion. Is it just me? Are some people actually afraid to give an opinion?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Is it just me? Are some people actually afraid to give an opinion? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

we live in an alice in wonderland world

our government, media, schools Hollywood all have succumbed to illogic, hate, senseless idiocies, anti-science claims and racism

when jussie smollett is believed and lauded as heroic anything is possible

when truth isn't the truth but "your" truth

then its certainly no stretch to keep blaming cops for doing their duty

they want the cop who shot the knife wielder to be charged with first degree murder

why? not because there's a dead girl but because there's still a constitution and America's republic is still hanging by a thread

a minority wants to be the majority and they don't want to be part of the majority by assimilation

there's so much hate and hate is unreasonable

there's a war out there you know and a whole undercurrent of schemers

cops are not our problem, the problem lies elsewhere
winn dixie's Avatar
I can catch catfish raise my own tamaters skin a buck and a Country Boy can survive!

Take away xboxes and iphones. The war will be short!
bambino's Avatar
One juror admitted they were afraid of the riots. Here comes a mistrial and riots. It’s what Mad Maxine wanted.
winn dixie's Avatar
I have posted several times that...

perps should not run fight be combative flash a weapon or resist arrest!

Cops should have the right to shoot any perp that does ANY of the above without warning! Period!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I not only think the shooting was proper, but seeing the real time video, I'm amazed how quickly and decisively the Cop acted. The slow motion vid captures it perfectly. No knife dropped, as originally alleged, shot in the act of active stabbing.

The Knife Weilder's Mom couldn't even criticize police action. I saw her interviewed last night, and she simply said she is giving it to God, instead telling us how her daughter was a wonderful human being, between stabbings.
Nah, bitch trying to stay someone, she's toast. Cop reacted perfectly. The MSM is a bunch of liars and should be hanged.
tman1847's Avatar
Shooting absolutely justified

If the policeman hadn't acted, they would have blamed him for the girl being attacked injuries or death. Of course the narrative would have been he let her get injured or murdered because she was black.

If this crap keeps up, the black people who need police protection the most are going to be the ones who suffer
Nah, bitch trying to stay someone, she's toast. Cop reacted perfectly. The MSM is a bunch of liars and should be hanged. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
the media just runs cover for and does as the dims want so when you say MSM its understood that its the dims

how anyone can trust them and believe their drivel and their "fact checkers"is beyond me

theres got to be some reason for all these people to accept that media and the dims ...I can only come up with selfishness or some self interested thing they hope to receive
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I think we should burn down cities like a bunch of apes during a pandemic.
lustylad's Avatar
Wtf were the two girls fighting about anyway? Even a teenager should know better than to attack someone with a knife right in front of the popo. Was she mentally unstable? I don't get it.
Wtf were the two girls fighting about anyway? Even a teenager should know better than to attack someone with a knife right in front of the popo. Was she mentally unstable? I don't get it. Originally Posted by lustylad
I had heard it was about keeping the house clean

its easy to speculate why someone would become so enraged as to attempt murder

I'm refraining from that
I not only think the shooting was proper, but seeing the real time video, I'm amazed how quickly and decisively the Cop acted. The slow motion vid captures it perfectly. No knife dropped, as originally alleged, shot in the act of active stabbing.

The Knife Weilder's Mom couldn't even criticize police action. I saw her interviewed last night, and she simply said she is giving it to God, instead telling us how her daughter was a wonderful human being, between stabbings. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'm a bit confused, was the dead 16 yo in a foster home? How many kids are in this foster home? Was the girl about to be stabbed a foster kid too? There was another black girl on the ground who was kicked in the head a split second before the cop opened fired. In fact, TWO police cars pulled up and the kids were still fighting each other. As someone said, that the neighbors security camera was pointed across the street wasn't a coincidence.

Don't know about ya'll but when I was a kid, if the cops showed up we either split or froze. These kids were still waylaying each other.

For the biological mother, she showed up rather quickly. She talked very nicely about her dead daughter and what a great person she was. Earlier that day that daughter was about to stab someone. She must smell a check. Her lack of grief was puzzling.