Getting bored in the hobby

Over the years with all of the innovations in technology computers and the internet has really opened the door for guys looking for that extra marital bliss. To think at one time guys were limited to driving through the lower end of town looking to score, or possibly searching ads in Gambit, or someother adult ad magazine picked up in a adult book store. Now a dawg can get online screen a few ads, check for reviews, and be with what he thinks is a girl he could have never touched with a 10 foot pole in his life time in a matter of a couple of hours. The woman themselves have gotten younger and hotter, even most of the oldy but goodies keep their bodies tight and fit for the most part. Think about it a average guy in his mid 30s to 50s gose to a colege football game and sees all of these hot cheerleaders with bodies to die for, he thinks dame what he would not give to just get a shot at that, now days thanks to the internet, he may be lucky enough to see her advertising services on backpage, what luck!! How long does it take for the average dawg to tire, get board, or become complacent towards a woman he though just a couple weeks or a month ago was all he ever wanted, and there was no question she was his all time favorite??? The providers know and experience this quite often I would think. Today she meets a client that thinks she the most beautiful woman he has ever been with, and is pleased in every way with her service. To begin with he calls a couple times a week, then once a week, then every two weeks, and all of a sudden you hear from him 3 months later. The provider knows he is see other providers in the mean time because he is reviewing other women, just like he reviewed her in the beginning. The question is generally how long does it take for a dawg to move on to someone more appealing??
docdavid49's Avatar
If I am looking for a relationship there is always Hobbing is about variety and I doubt if the ladies are looking for a white knight to rescue them from this hobby. So bored maybe but the last half of your post does not make sense to me. Even an ATF is not exclusive. See several but go back to her off and on. It ain't about love for either of us.
I am not talking about a long term relationship in anyway. I agree variety is the spice of life, and as I say the internet has opened up the hobby to be a daily buffet of white meat, dark meat, and any other side dish you want to add to your plate. What I am talking about is honesty in relationship to attention span. Most dawgs I would suspect have a attention span like a child every time they look around the room they see something else that gets their attention, also many guys look at the hobby as a opportunity for personal conquest, like how many notches can I fit on my belt, or say the Wilt Chamberlain syndrom of how many conquests can I get in a lifetime. On the flip side many guys see the ad of a woman that in the moment is beautiful beyond belief, he sets a appointment, not only is she beautiful she is the true GFE in everyway, and he in that moment of euphoria honestly begins to tell the provider how beautiful she is, how happy he is with her and the session, that she is his now all time favorite, and she will definitely be seeing him again, but the provider has seen and heard all of this before from many guys, and in most cases she may never hear from him again. Most providers I would not think are looking for long term relationships, but would like to build long term client base, so a good provider will go the whole nine years in GFE service, presentability and such, hoping that she can establish a long term client. Its also the guys that have this conquest mentality, that get burned the most from bait and switch picture ads, NCNS situations and such, because they are always looking for the greener grass.
It really does vary. I have had a few guys that have been seeing me since I started doing this about two years ago. [Granted this past year I haven't been offering myself as much to the hobby.] Most guys are ones I will never see again. I'm ok with that, even if we had a lot of fun.

I've always resented the man who thinks he needs to save me from my lifestyle choice. That's like women who insist they need to train their men. It amounts to certain failure. It certainly is always funny to hear from hobbyists, "But, you're so...[insert list of good qualities] Shouldn't you have a boyfriend?" Are you out of your mind, Mr. Hobbyist? Monogamy and providing do not mix! Believe me, I don't make myself seem available for commitment.

It's lovely to have those gents that want to see me every two weeks or so. It's nice to think about that cash in my pocket before it gets there... though I try not to fantasize about those things too much.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Great thread UTR, thx.

I can only comment on my experience, I do not know what is common for dawgs or not. I seem to be the opposite of what you describe. Variety being the spice of life, fewer calls to ATF, less frequently seeing an ATF. Hell, my activity with ladies I like gets more and more frequent longer engagements, more emails, etc.

I have had plenty of not so good experiences with newer ladies (at least new to me) so for me I kinda like knowing what I am gonna get with women I have already seen. I still see ladies I have not seen before, there are a few I have on my list now. I do not like the feeling of leaving an engagement thinking I wasted my money, but often that is how I feel. I have chosen to not see ladies from CL or BP, I do not browse those ads at all. I used to look at Eros, do not look there either. The only ladies I desire to see now are reputable, well reviewed, and well known providers because I seem to get the better service that way and do not feel like I just got ripped off.

Thus, for me, the market of available ladies has gotten smaller the longer I hobby. I do not write that many reviews any more, just me. The ladies I have seen just do not understand GFE or that the session is about me and my desires, I am the client. So, to avoid expectations leading to disappointments I chose to only see well known ladies that do what I like. If CBJ is on menu, I respect the ladies choice to only perform that but she will not hear from outdoorsman, I like BBBJ too much!! That is just an example.

I actually have less desire for variety. When I see an ad I usually wonder how old are the pics, has she gained 30 pounds, is that really her, will she rush me, etc. etc. I just saw a new lady on she looks HOT but I am now choosing to wait and hear before attempting anything. Maybe I have become cynical but I have had some disappointing sessions and ladies I am easy to please. Basic stuff here, I do not ask a lady to jump off the dresser and land on my face, kinda stuff.

Just my .02

I see the same women over and over and "NO" I am not bored at all. I have the feeling once I find what I like go with it. I like McDonald's french fries, so when I want the best fries around I know where to go, I guess I am a man of routine.
weebbadd's Avatar
[quote=Outdoorsman;225115]Great thread UTR, thx.

I have chosen to not see ladies from CL or BP, I do not browse those ads at all. I used to look at Eros, do not look there either. The only ladies I desire to see now are reputable, well reviewed, and well known providers because I seem to get the better service that way and do not feel like I just got ripped off.

+1 Outdoorsman!

I have felt the same way, I usually see one or two girls about once a month for most of the year, and venture out to new ones two or three times a year. Every so often a new (to me) girl catches my attention, and I like to make sure she is reviewed well and actually I prefer to get to know a provider by what she writes on the boards, not just in her ads. I like being turned on mentally not just going for looks. I am very selective and I have been to many new girls years ago where I was not happy as I could have been when I left the appt. Once you have a great connection with someone, it is a let down for me to just have an average session.
I like to meet someone usually from this board, I have given up on eros and never used BP or CL. I have been very happy with every girl from here I have seen, they got some great ones here. I have had some down time this past year for different reasons, but being bored was not one of the reasons.
I feel when I get bored with the hobby I will quit, but I'm not there yet. I like to meet new girls from time to time, but I also like to go back to my ATFs. The problem is my personal ATFs have not been available when I am so it's been back to looking around and seeing who's out there. There are so many desirable girls now a days it's just a matter of I don't have that much money! LOL! Anyway I have my sights on some new (to me) providers and I hope to make a few new ATF's this year!
To me variety is important, I am not looking for a LTR if that was it I'd be on too. But it is comforting to have some good friends I can trust to be there when I need some TLC. I value the friendships I have made with the gals and dawgs here, it helps me to smile when I am down in the trenches.....
pornodave69's Avatar
I don't think I could ever get bored with this. My real life sexcapades started way too late in life (not by choice) and with only a few women. Over the past 3 years (almost), I've sampled many of the ladies here and would like to sample a whole lot more. What I've found, however, is that besides seeing my ATF (who lives out of town and I don't get to see as often as I'd like) there are just a few ladies that I have seen several/many times and I'm more than happy to see these few over and over again.

As much as I'd like to continue seeing more and more women to make up for lost time, I thoroughly enjoy spending time with these few ladies. When business is good and I can spend a little extra I might see someone new. Otherwise, I budget to see my "regulars" as often as possible. Even though I've had wonderful times with all of the ladies I've seen, I'm hooked on my favorites and I don't see ever getting bored with any of them. Until they retire, I'll be a regular. When they do retire, I'll be disappointed, even sad, but I'll just have to find a few new regulars.

I always thought that if/when I met someone special and maybe got married that I'd be faithful without a doubt. Since I found the hobby, I honestly don't think that's possible now (unless I marry my ATF). No way I'll get bored with the hobby.
Hobbihorse2's Avatar

Even if you married your ATF, you would not be faithful. There is only a small percentage of the male population that can be faithful for life and none of them are on this board.

pornodave69's Avatar

Even if you married your ATF, you would not be faithful. There is only a small percentage of the male population that can be faithful for life and none of them are on this board.

HH Originally Posted by Hobbihorse2

I'm pretty sure I would make an exception for her
Hobbihorse2's Avatar
Guess what? That's what we all thought when we first got married. I don't know who said this but "Love is the delusion that one woman differs from the others."

Generally speaking these days, most men and women are only as faithful as their options allow them to be. Men are generally at a disadvantage, because every other woman walking down the side walk is not propositioning us, buying drinks for us etc. hopeing to get us into bed. Almost any woman can find a guy willing to do the deed, and probably get something in return.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Again I can only talk from my exprience, I got bored in my marriage, sexually speaking, having had the one woman, in the same position, with no adventure, for a long number of years. I do not recall when the boredom started, and I was faithful the entire time we were together. I had plenty of opportunites, just decided that for me, a roll in the hay was not worth jeopardizing what the two of us had. Things got bad, I still remained faithful, I felt I owed a duty to my life partner and if things were to work out I would not have felt the guilt. Just my choice not judging anyone else. Well, marriage ended and to think I was faithful, oops!

I did not want any long term relationship after getting divorced so I hobby cause I also do not want to be celebate. I have only been hobbying for about a year. Not bored yet. Maybe, I will get bored, IDK. But while it is fun I will continue to have FUN.

I have experienced so much since starting to hobby and fulfilled so many fantasies that I have to create more which is fun as well. I can remeber taking the wife out on the town and wondering if I could get some later, damn PMS, now I do not wonder and I like it that way. I am certainly not bored!!! But right now at this very moment I am wondering which lady I will enjoy instead of "if" I will enjoy.
Just think how great it would be if the roles were reversed. The men were agressively pursued by the women sexually instead of the other way around. Just your average guy could walk down the street and have half a dozen women willing to do just about anything for you just to have sex with you. If you were a little short on the rent this month, or a emergency came up you could offer BFE (Boyfriend Experience) and make a little extra cash. Biologically speaking you hear where men and women are generally the same with the same urges and needs sexually. There are guys that want sex five times a day, but there are also women with the same sex drive. The question I guess then is how did men become at such a disadvantage in the pursuit of sexual satisfaction?
First off, I have to agree with HH. Any guy on these boards is not gonna be faithful for life. Eventually he will get the right chance at the right time and take the plunge. Personally, with the variety of women at our disposal these days with the boards and all, I don't see how you could ever get too bored. There are so many quality girls here now, I just hate it that I don't have the time or the money to see all the ones I would like to see. And there are always a couple of regulars that I like to see since I know for sure what I am getting for my hobby dollar. I have made some friends hobbyists and providers as well that I trust their word when they tell me something. There are about 3 girls I really want to see now, but my biggest problem is getting away, not that I can't get away, but that I don't know far enough in advance when it will be,therefore it is hard to set it up. I have talked to several girls recently that are either booked up or have something else to do when I am available. Anyway, I guess what I am saying is that I can't ever see getting bored with the hobby.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I can only speak for myself, if I were get involved in another relationship, fidelity would be natural for me. I agree though I would have give up this world of hobbying, I would stop browsing this board.

That is part of the decision I would have to make. My decision to even date would require that I leave this world behind because of the guilt issues I would have. If I do not want to feel guilt then for me I try not to do things that create it, just me. To be honest there is a lady that asked me to go to lunch this week, very attractive lady, but for me to do that I would have to say goodbye to all of you (I have some friends here) and all of this. I am having a very good time!! No boredom!! So, hard for me to do that. This is not first time she asked me to do something, prolly not the last either and it feels good to be pursued but I refuse to be in both worlds but I also refuse to completely let her go. I can see it, for me, that spells trouble. See I create my chaos, no boredom!!