New Poll Obama v. Republicans Trial Heats

TexTushHog's Avatar

No real surprises, but it's the first November horse race poll that I've seen in a month or so.

Obama leads Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who sits atop the GOP presidential field, 46% to 43% among likely voters. The President has opened a double-digit lead over Perry, 50% to 38%, highlighting concerns percolating through the GOP that the Texas governor would face a steep uphill climb should he capture the nomination. Obama also boasts a 49% to 37% edge over businessman Herman Cain, whose strong Tea Party support has propelled him toward the top of Republican ranks in recent weeks. In each case, the President was buoyed by his performance among female voters. Women prefer Obama over Romney by eight percentage points (49% to 41%), by 17 points over Perry (53% to 36%) and by 21 points over Cain (53% to 32%).

Go Herman!!!!

No cross tabs that I could find, only top line results.

I'd love to see the cross tabs on the Obama/Cain horse race question by race. If anybody has access to any cross tabs on a question like this, I'd love to see it.
Whenever an incumbent polls below 50% among likely voters; it is a certainty of electoral defeat. The undecided voters almost always break for the "other" guy!
Gimme a break TTH. What is it about a strong black man that scares you Democrats?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No discussion? Just discounting. I too would like to see cross tabs. Whats gotta be frightening to the white ring is how the nation is slowly returning to its senses and rejecting the chain of fools the GOP is being forced to consider by the radical fringe of its party. Expect this to be simply the first of a steady trend. This was never a race.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's a TIME poll.
They polled their subscribers.
Looks pretty bad for BO.
A Daily Show/MSNBC poll has Obama ahead of Romney by 11 points. All is good!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think that for the undecided voters, the real decisions for whom to vote are made very close to the election date, like somewhere in October, 2012.

Polls made so far in advance of the elections are constructed of very soft numbers and liable to change with every gust of political wind.

Personally, I believe the election will be between President Obama and Mitt Romney and Rick Perry will just fade away.

Secondly, I believe that Texas will remain a red state, but nationally, Obama will wipe the floor with Romney.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-15-2011, 10:16 AM
Whenever an incumbent polls below 50% among likely voters; it is a certainty of electoral defeat. The undecided voters almost always break for the "other" guy! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Really? Bush was hovering in the low to mid 40's, even trailing Kerry in most polls, as late as July '04.

Once people start getting a steady dose over 3 or 4 months of the actual accomplishments of the last 3 years rather than being reminded of only the economy on a daily basis, and a steady dose of the Republican candidate on a daily basis, as well as a steady dose of what the Republican party has intentionally done to this country on a daily basis, i'm pretty confident things will break Obama's way.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Bush didn't have the Wall street protesters hanging on his neck either.

Look what happened in 1968.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-15-2011, 06:24 PM
Bush didn't have the Wall street protesters hanging on his neck either. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I'm sorry, i guess i missed that clarifier in Whirlaway's post.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You're the one who brought up Bush and offered your own hypothetical of how the election will unfold.

I offered my own just like you did.

Is that ok with you?

I don't want to hurt your little feeling again.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-16-2011, 05:33 AM
You're the one who brought up Bush Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It would help if you were better able to follow along in the conversation. I only brought up Bush to refute Whirlaway's point about an incumbent polling under 50% guaranteeing an electoral defeat. I'm sure i could have brought up any number of other examples if i felt like looking for them. So Whirlaway was full of it.

Refute that or don't.
budman33's Avatar
Americans have short attention spans. the election is 3 sex scandals away.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It would help if you were better able to follow along in the conversation. I only brought up Bush to refute Whirlaway's point about an incumbent polling under 50% guaranteeing an electoral defeat. I'm sure i could have brought up any number of other examples if i felt like looking for them. So Whirlaway was full of it.

Refute that or don't. Originally Posted by Doove
And I added.

"Bush didn't have the Wall street protesters hanging on his neck either.

Look what happened in 1968.


Was that really too hard for you to follow?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Americans have short attention spans. the election is 3 sex scandals away. Originally Posted by budman33
MTV might start showing music videos again!