Using an I-pad at work

I know not to log onto Eccie or other websites from my company laptop at work. However, if I bring my i-pad and log on via the company wi-fi will my employer see that it is me? The wi-fi is password protected which I have access to. So when I log on, what do they see.

Should I get a hotspot on my cell phone and log on via that to hide what websites I visit while at work? The company should not be able to see a mobile hotspot, correct?

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-15-2014, 10:57 PM
Bad idea. Your are still going through your employer's network. You need to use your own WiFi hotspot. Most smart phone these days have that ability. There are also mobile WiFi hotspot devices available.

Yes, when the hotspot is up, anyone with WiFi capability within range will see it. Whether they can get into it depends on how securely you set it up.
Companies servers track and log what sites are accessed through company internet services. They may block some sites.

With any mobile device that does not require log into the company network but just uses a hot spot, then the best the company can do is identify when the user was logged in, what sites whey accessed, the MAC address of the device, and possibility the physical area of the company the user was in. But they cannot identify someone who is not logged into the company network. They would have to physically access your device to verify the MAC address to prove it was the one doing the web surfing. If they narrowed it down to you, you might have issue if you refused to allow them to check your device.

But why take the risk? As suggested above, use a phone or other mobile hot spot that never uses the company network. Or even better, stay off questionable sites when at work, on the clock or not. Do you really want to risk getting fired because you visited ECCIE while sitting at your desk?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And if you have a WiFi capable handheld, it would be prudent to turn off the WiFi, which would require the unit to use telco wireless. Quite a few handhelds will default to using WiFi for Internet activity (to save telco bandwidth) which would then route through the company server. And a good tech can track anything.
Thanks guys. Looks like I will have to decide if it is worth the $25 / month to turn on the hotspot on my Verizon phone.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-16-2014, 06:52 PM
Thanks guys. Looks like I will have to decide if it is worth the $25 / month to turn on the hotspot on my Verizon phone. Originally Posted by pilot4u2.0
Get a virgin mobile / net 10 burner prepaid. Root it and tether.