Encounter: First Encounter LadyRRR

Date: 7/24/2018
Name: LadyRRR
Phone: 5043275528
Email Address: Contact through PM
URL / Website: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2390857&highlight=
City: Baton Rouge
State: Louisiana
Address: My home
Activities: Groping, bbbj, gaging, bls, tuma, cfs, More bbbj, cob (butt stuff on her is off limits)
Hair Length and Color: Currently blonde, may change. Shoulder length.
Age: 22
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Very short and petite with nice curves. Nice natural breasts (lacating if that’s you thing) shoulder length dyed hair and a nice little butt. Showed up dressed to not draw to much attention but having this hot mind show up is attention grabbing enough.
Recommendation: Yes
Great review. Definitely going to check her out. I did try the google suggestion and nothing on her came back. If you have suggestions, feel free to PM. Thanks for sharing.
Actually. Nevermind. It was my mistake. I see now.
Glad you had fun.

Is this the first provider you have seen since joining in 2012? If not, why break the 6 year no review/ post drought?

She is on Switter pornhub and fetlife. Yesterday there were some fisting videos but I cant find them today

Pubman's Avatar
She the real deal. Review on the way...really cool chick
Honestly, I wanted premium back. I see girls now and then but tend to keep to myself. And it’s not my first encounter, it’s my first encounter with her.
I hear ya. No difference really, Just curious.

I think I saw videos but the fisting one comment I think was a mistake. I think it was a pic on switter not a video
Whats her name on pornhub?

Glad you had fun.

Is this the first provider you have seen since joining in 2012? If not, why break the 6 year no review/ post drought?

She is on Switter pornhub and fetlife. Yesterday there were some fisting videos but I cant find them today

http://www.imagecoast.com/images/southwood/image1.jpg Originally Posted by golfnpro
Whats her name on pornhub? Originally Posted by JayPKimble
Maybe not videos after all
Think it was pics like the one I posted but with a man
I like her videos.