How is this different from the hobby?

Bobave's Avatar
A lot of my posts here are whimsical, but this one is serious. The girlfriend experience in this article is not real. Literally. She's straight-up virtual. But she's attentive and on the face of it, caring. She satisfies certain needs, but at the end of the day, she's not invested in the real well-being of the client...

There are some... let's say, interesting things going on with Japanese culture these days when it comes to sex and relationships. I used to think much of it was strange, but increasingly I am coming to understand their perspectives. Not saying I'm ready to be part of that world-view, but we might all be gravitating in that direction...
Hermosa's Avatar
Japan is on the downward path to extinction. I get it why often, real experiences are difficult. Paul Simon wrote "You could take all the girls I knew when I was younger, put them all together for one night, but they would never top my sweet imagination". True, but real is real and anything else is just pretend. Pretend is cheaper and controllable, but it's just pretend.
The first thing needed to being a good provider is being a tremendous actress. I have never believed there was any sincere romance or true desire connected with any provider. I have found several that have become good friends.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
The first thing needed to being a good provider is being a tremendous actress. Originally Posted by tucson
"IOP?" - exactly!
bamscram's Avatar
To be a good sex actress, one needs to like sex.
joesmo888's Avatar
sorry but I don't care how advanced technology gets. you cannot replace great chemistry with another person. all these dolls, robots, etc. will never be the same.. and if you disagree, then you just haven't found that person yet