Guide to staying at the Sportsmens Lodge:

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From a guide to being in Costa Rica posted on a wall at the SPORTSMENS LODGE:

1.) Do not fall in love.
2.) Do not ruin economics
3.) Do remember to pace yourself
4.) Do not forget we are all equal under god
5.) Do pay for all services rendered
6.) Do remember who you are dating
7.) Do remember you are in a foreign country subject to local laws
8.) Do not forget you are in a hotel and not a dormitory
9.) Do tip your service staff generously
10.) Do remember to come back

Wise words to live by.

I am at Sportsmens Lodge now and I can't find this sign. Where is it? I want to take a picture.

From a guide to being in Costa Rica posted on a wall at the SPORTSMENS LODGE:

1.) Do not fall in love.
2.) Do not ruin economics
3.) Do remember to pace yourself
4.) Do not forget we are all equal under god
5.) Do pay for all services rendered
6.) Do remember who you are dating
7.) Do remember you are in a foreign country subject to local laws
8.) Do not forget you are in a hotel and not a dormitory
9.) Do tip your service staff generously
10.) Do remember to come back

Wise words to live by.

SF Originally Posted by SpursFan
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In the pool room area.

Am returning next month and will try to find it again.