Chauvin gets 22.5 years!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Chauvin sentenced in the murder of George Floyd.

22.5 years.

And Bobby Bonilla will still be on the Mets’ payroll when he gets out.

JUST IN: Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22 1/2 years in prison in the murder of George Floyd

Former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison in the 2020 murder of George Floyd.

Prosecutors had asked for a 30 year sentence, and Chauvin’s attorney asked for probation and time served. Chauvin was convicted in April of second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

Technically, Chauvin faced up to 40 years in prison for second-degree murder, up to 25 years for third-degree murder and up to 10 years for manslaughter.

However, Chauvin has no prior criminal record. State guidelines say that for such a person, the presumptive sentence for both second-degree and third-degree murder is 12 1/2 years. The judge was given discretion to hand down a sentence between 10 years and eight months and 15 years for each.

Second-degree manslaughter carries a presumptive sentence of four years for someone with no record, according to the guidelines. The judge's discretion ranged from three years and five months to four years and eight months.
bambino's Avatar
He’ll be out in 3yrs
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Justice is served.

Only way he’s out In 3 years is in a body bag.
GaGambler's Avatar
Chauvin sentenced in the murder of George Floyd.

22.5 years.

And Bobby Bonilla will still be on the Mets’ payroll when he gets out.

JUST IN: Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22 1/2 years in prison in the murder of George Floyd

Former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison in the 2020 murder of George Floyd.

Prosecutors had asked for a 30 year sentence, and Chauvin’s attorney asked for probation and time served. Chauvin was convicted in April of second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

Technically, Chauvin faced up to 40 years in prison for second-degree murder, up to 25 years for third-degree murder and up to 10 years for manslaughter.

However, Chauvin has no prior criminal record. State guidelines say that for such a person, the presumptive sentence for both second-degree and third-degree murder is 12 1/2 years. The judge was given discretion to hand down a sentence between 10 years and eight months and 15 years for each.

Second-degree manslaughter carries a presumptive sentence of four years for someone with no record, according to the guidelines. The judge's discretion ranged from three years and five months to four years and eight months. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Actually a 22 1/2 DAY sentence would have been good enough for me.

As long as he had to serve it in Gen Pop of course. lol

I still don't consider George Floyd any kind of hero, a victim yes, but hardly a hero. Does ANYONE with even the slightest bit of objectivity believe that the world would be a better place with the likes of George Floyd still in it? I am not shedding a single tear for Floyd, but neither am I shedding a single tear for the guy that murdered him, and please don't misunderstand me I 100% believe that Chauvin murdered him, he belongs in either prison or six feet in the ground, the fact that he murdered a POS and not a saint is completely irrelevant to my POV on the subject
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I would say that I believe he deserved more, but he just came across as a short little shit trying to show the bystanders that he was the "boss". I don't think he intended to kill him but he did so fuck him. As far as any numbers, George Floyd's family will probably just remember the settlement amount they received and not Barney Fife's sentence. They'll probably send him thank you cards while he is in prison for their new found wealth.
bambino's Avatar
Justice is served.

Only way he’s out In 3 years is in a body bag. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And you know this? Maybe there’s a mistrial brewing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Someone in this forum called Chauvin a patriot.

Well now he’s a convicted murderer.
bambino's Avatar

Didn’t you call him a patriot? I know someone did on here.

Well now he’s a convicted murderer. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Has his mistrial been shot down? I don’t think so. I never called him a patriot. So quit lying. I said he deserves due process. BTW, he was convicted of manslaughter, not murder.
winn dixie's Avatar
He didnt even get a trial. It was a publicity stunt.
This was a mistrial from the beginning.
Justice is served.

Only way he’s out In 3 years is in a body bag. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Anybody who understands the Criminal Justice System knows there is no truth in sentencing. The day Chauvin walks out of the prison gates 22.5 years will not have passed.
GaGambler's Avatar

Someone in this forum called Chauvin a patriot.

Well now he’s a convicted murderer. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The two terms are hardly mutually exculsive

Let's look at it from an idiot lefty perspective (a perspective that you can easily identify with)

Lets say some "Brave Hero" assassinated Trump and he was convicted of the crime. Well many on the left would call that person a "Patriot" for saving the nation from the evils of Trump, but that would hardly negate the fact he would still be a convicted murderer.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Anybody who understands the Criminal Justice System knows there is no truth in sentencing. The day Chauvin walks out of the prison gates 22.5 years will not have passed. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You are probably right. However, I doubt Bambino's 3 year prediction will come true.

He'll probably be paroled at some point, if he isn't killed by another prisoner.
winn dixie's Avatar
The most chauvin shoulda got was a week or 2 without pay.

No trial was even needed
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He won't be in gen pop so he'll probably get out in half the time that he was given. Hopefully he does get in gen pop though for a few days while not having the protection of a badge so a prisoner can show that little shit what it feels like without killing him. You put your body weight on the back of my neck while I'm cuffed? What a fucking coward. Floyd wasn't even a damn threat at that point.
You are probably right. However, I doubt Bambino's 3 year prediction will come true.

He'll probably be paroled at some point, if he isn't killed by another prisoner. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Chauvin was a Police Officer no matter what anyone thinks of him or this situation there was a time when he served his community. He'll be placed in an area of the prison where he won't come in contact with violent inmates. In fact he'll probably be a Trustee and occupy a cell in a Trustee wing of the prison he'll be under intense supervision when performing his duties whatever they may be. He could do three years hard labor that's actually possible and five years supervised probation.