Trump Org- the beginning, the middle or the end.

eyecu2's Avatar
Seems like ol' Donnie J, has now been hit with the max fine that his company "a great company- the likes that have never been seen before", is paying a price for being a tax defrauding scheme 1.6 million in fines, which is likely not a big deal, unless you compare that to the normal taxes that DJT and Trump Org doesn't usually pay.

His prized business has now been convicted of multiple felonies and his tax man will be going to jail. This in itself may be nothing more than lipservice, but it may make it hard for DJT to get financing for his businesses, Bank loans etc. There are many said lenders who require you to not have these types of experiences before lending. It just makes lending a lot tighter for his company. Additionally it seems that his allows the NY DA to dig deeper into the company for criminal charges againsts the company for bad actors in business practices.

I predict that The Trump Org will be soon shown the door in the great city of NY,NY, and told to go elsewhere. I dont' think that will stop him or his crime family from setting up shop in another town, perhaps, near Miami, and the dump of Mar-A-Lagoon. But his neighbors there already hate him, and there may be some legal questions on his ability to create or operate an company from his so-called resort, despite being named as an employee.

Just more wrinkles in his long story of ripping off investors, and filing bancruptcy and leaving others holding the bag, or going to jail. It won't be the first time that a person related to trump business went to the pokey. Weissleman, and Kuschner both were book cookers for Trump. Both went to jail, and then you add Michael Cohen, who also went to jail. Who's next?

Cause you know this isn't the end of the road for Trump and his flunkies.

Others who were facing Jail time included:
Steve Banon
Roger Stone,
Michael Flynn
Paul Manafort
Rick Gates
George Papa-whogivesafuck-adopolis

Such a good judge of character- and so many bright and shiny people who will do ANYTHING they are told.

"Where is MY Roy Cohn" and "Only guilty people and the mob plead the 5th". After pleading the same for over 440 x's.