... Climate change - truth or fiction?
That is the question... As all the wealthy
politicians perchase land and homes right on
the beach! ... Watch out

and what-not!

... Anyone got a good (or bad) opinion on this?
### Salty
Imagine if we were alive 20000 years ago when the last ice age came to an end. Imagine the hysteria when the glaciers were receding at dramatic rates. Imagine the hysteria when animal species went extinct. Think about it.. Originally Posted by mitchdugan123
you dont have to go back that far...... try 40 years ago when the same people were predicting a new ice age and global cooling lol
guess what? hate to break it to all the experts here but the earth and climate cycles.........naturally. do we add to global warming? very slightly.
its another horseshit money making, power erection by our elites Originally Posted by chizzy
G'day, you-ins and other Pittsburgh people...well the climate scientists have an opinion and it isnt the 97% of all climate scientists agree on climate change we are constantly hearing.the truth is its more like 32%
... Climate change - truth or fiction?
That is the question... As all the wealthy
politicians perchase land and homes right on
the beach! ... Watch outfor tidal waves
and what-not!
... Anyone got a good (or bad) opinion on this?
### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
That whole Ice Age thing was super sensationalized by the media though. In the 70's climate scientists were first starting to get a good look at the human impact on climate, they knew that pollution was causing the climate to change, but it was causing it to change in different ways. Some scientists saw that some of the human produced aerosols were causing a cooling trend. This cooling trend could lead to the start of a new ice age in a few centuries. The media picked that up and ran with it. At the same time, other climate scientists were starting to see the effects of green house gasses and how they would much more rapidly warm the Earth, those findings were the foundations for modern climate science. Years passed, and now we're currently at the point where those gasses are indeed rapidly warming the Earth.first off, from the 40's to the 70's temps cooled, why? the industrial revolution and all the indusries in the 40s,50s 60s and 70s polluted an incredible amount compared today
It's just way too visible at this point for me to even think about denying it (and believe me, in my younger days, I definitely held onto the idea that the climate was just on the warmer part of a cycle). We're having more extreme weather events than we have ever had, the average temperature of the globe goes up every single year, bodies of water are drying up, etc. It's just right there in front of our face plain as day now.
As a slight aside, I don't know what "elites" stand to benefit from doing something to slow this down. Three of the top 10 largest industries on the planet are Oil & Gas E&P, Automobile manufacturing, and Construction, three industries that are heavily against moving away from the reliance on fossil fuels. Those guys are "The Elite" Originally Posted by anmar85